
Gratitude to those who are serving

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
For it is you who will protect me, and if a price is to be paid, it is you who will pay it. It is you who will most certainly determine that I live freely. It is you who I count on to make sure that America stays free and open.
America, a most wondrous place. Where someone, anyone, can dream a dream and make it happen. Where we can shop in markets, gather in the park, play in the street, without fear of reprisal. America, where we have founded the most incredible nation on the planet, made up of hard workers, genuine hearts, and pride.
And you wear the uniform of our America. You wear it with pride, and I thank you. For you may not know again the freedoms which are so loved and cherished. You may not know again the love and the joy which is our nation. You may not know again the faith with which we live.
And still, you rise to the occasion. You leave our cherished shores to protect us. Over and over, throughout the years, you have left behind all that is dear to you, so that I could have all that is dear to me. So thank you for my life, my liberty, and the chance to pursue my happiness.
Thank you, my brothers and sisters, now, and from long ago. Thank you. And may God Bless and protect you, for you are the shining light which is our freedom. You are the heart which is our people. You are the embodiment of courage that built this grand country. And you are the pride of all who love our homeland.
Thank you.
God Bless you, yours, and those around you.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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As the daughter of a Marine ( I was even born at Camp Lejune!), I wholeheartly agree with everyone's well wishes. Sign me up for baking cookies, or writing letters or whatever else I can do. Hell, I'll even tuck in a sexy picture for some lonely soul! :D
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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Just a note from an ex-commando type. I did my turn in the barrel, I have my C.I.B. . I don't wish combat on anyone. War is harmful for people and other living things. I say the following and say it with the utmost respect to those who are now serving in our nations' armed forces: You are our guardians. You have earned my respect. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many sacrifices you have made and will make in the name of God, freedom, and the United States of America. Godspeed, fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

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1/75 as in Ranger BN? I know some guys that were on that. Did ya happen to know any of the Air Force guys that jumped with you? I think it was an ALO that got credit for a BTR 60/70 kill and a bunch of Infantry types on the ridge above the Airfield. Those AC-130's are the shit in the right environment!
"This conversation ends right here Captain! You can talk to the ALO when he gets back."-Me

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I would liek to add my voice to those thanking all people in the armed forces who, I am sure, will be called upon or already have been called upon. Just read a report that the SAS may already be on the ground.
My thoughts and prayers, as well as undying thanks, are with all of you from Canada..

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