
SWAT busted the house across the street!!*PICS*

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This happened about a week ago but i didn't want to tell you guys b/c i didn't have the pics to complete the thread.
caption for the above image :)http://house.napalm.net/napalm/swat/swat5.jpg
perp #1
and this guy showed later that day and took a car battery, toolbox, vrc/dvd player, and as you can see a small T.V!!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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no nothing as normal as that, they were making and selling crystal meth! :o yep i had a bomb sitting accross the damn street!! damn drug dealers i wish i could kick everyone of those fudgers out of the plane on a bad spot in the middle of the amazon.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Dayum! Those guys have a MUCH better truck that we have! Our assault van bites!
Nice AR15's too. We have the same ones but without the ACOG (ACOG is the sighting device on top of the rifle).
Meth labs are fun to bust. Theres that whole adrenaline rush wondering if youre gonna get blow'd up ur not,,,kinda like jumpin. Not to mention watchin the bad guy do the 'doper shuffle' when we hit the door and run inside.
Whata hoot!

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Who was that masked man?
Talk about your Halloween outfits!
Neat toys!
How do I get some?
As for the last photo, talk about kicking a guy when he is down!
Raids like this happened on a regular basis when I worked in California City/Perris/Elsinore/Hemet. Wise people ignored some of their neighbors.

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Damn.....Next time call me first! I'll come over there when they have a bunch of cash and neat weapons and I'll keep it all for myself!!

Ever see the movie "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" ? LOL! Same idea, sort of, very very funny, if you're into British humor...
AggieDave '02
Too much of anything is bad, Too much burbon is just right.--MarkTwain

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That has to make you feel better about the nieghborhood.

actually it does b/c there were like always three cars parked on the damn street several times we had people drive up into our driveway waiting for someone to come out and one time we had a car full of gagster (mexicans) drive up and just sit there. My brother (6'5" 230) went outside with a 12 gauge shotty and told them to get the frick off our property and then proceeded to do the one handed throw shotgun cocking thing, they got the hell out of dodge kinda quick. My bro is cool as hell, he is trying to loose about 10 pounds so he can go jump with his little bro. :)
oh and CJ they had a couple guys with binellie(sp) too but i couldn't get a good picture of that. They rolled up at 7 in the damn morning and got on the loud speaker "This is the Sheriffs Office we are here to surve a search warrent!!" my mom bolted out of bed and my dead to world ass up i went and got my camera and went outside to get a good angle, the second i stuck my head around the corner two guys were telling me to get back in my house. I did so but i just got my tripod and setup behind a large picture window. and yes these guys were doing the shuffle you refer to funny as all.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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