
Companies Sponsoring Skydivers

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Its me again.
OK, so in my last post I was wondering if anyone would finance rigs, and apparently noone will (I called most of the dealers in the US).
So i tried to get another credit card, take out personal loan, beg parents, loan sharks, etc, and still have no cash.
I'm running out of ideas, so I was just wondering, has anyone heared of companies sponsoring skydivers, in return of their logo being put on the canopy, or has anyone actually had a company sponsor them in buying a rig?
I'm just trying to see if there's anything I can do besides taking out more student loans. I already used them to cover AFF.

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"has anyone heared of companies sponsoring skydivers"
Yes when you have a few thousand jumps and are a SWOOP GOD like Chuck. Then a sponsor might give you $5 towards your canopy and a free hot dog at every swoop meet! :D
Have you thought about becoming a stripper? :)"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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Hi Emmie
The only way a company will sponsor you now is if you work for them. I got the last company I paid for to pay for some jumps for me, I just had to wear a crappy company T-shirt and provide stills and video. Any other company looking to sponsor someone would find somebody already established in the sport.
Why don't you make some money in the sport? Pack on Saturdays and jump on Sundays? Or work in manifest on the weekends - they usually need extra help in the season, crap money but you get *free* jumps.

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do not expect anyone to GIVE you anything. I work for every jump I make in one way or another. Mostly, the free jumps come from instructing others. My competition jumps are paid for by my very-gracious canopy sponsor (Cobalt Dan), but I pay my own way to competitions. Bottom line is that a company or organization must find some benefit by sponsoring an individual. If you have nothing to offer in the way of competition results or face recognition value, then why would they hook you up? Demo teams get meager sponsorship for jumping into ball games and the like, but unless you possess a PRO rating and can put on a good show, then you are unlikely to get a free ride. Don't fret though, it all comes with experience. In the meantime, just build your numbers and work towards a specific goal. Want to be an instructor or coach? Better start doing drill dives. Want to be on a demo team? Better get a StarTrac and start pounding the target.
Good luck,
My webpage HERE

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The only way a company will sponsor you now is if you work for them.

And generally when they hear how much a logoed main canopy alone is going to cost them, they say no.
I've quoted numerous logoed canopies to jumpers who've asked their employers to sponsor their gear; very few come back and actually place the order. Simple block letters on the bottom skin of a PD canopy can run over $500... in addition to the price of the canopy. Ask about a fancy logo and the price gets really outrageous - I remember an awesome eagle design that one of our customers had put on a Spectre - the logo cost more than the list price of the canopy!
pull and flare,

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Yes, custom aplique is terribly expensive and in some cases looks like shit. On the other hand, some come out freakin GREAT. A perfect example of one is Tiger's main. This dude is totally into tigers and is tattooed up like one. His custom Cobalt has tiger stripes on it and looks fantastic; very much in tune with his persona. That job was worth every penny.
My webpage HERE

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Thanks for all the feedback. Wish I could get another job, but am working over 80 hours a week to pay for my trip to Sebastian to finally finish AFF. Been running on coffee and caffeine pills for several weeks, but it will be worth it. I just don't want to come off as someone sitting on my ass waiting for a freebee.

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Feb 14th-25. Only a month and a half to go, I'm psyched! It will be great to see some old faces, most jumpers from my DZ are there already. Wish I could hibernate for the next month and a half, wake up just in time to catch my plane to Florida. New England really sucks!!!

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I was sponsored early and before I had 100 jumps. But its very difficult. I had been skydiving about 4 months. I would tell you how I did it but even I dont remember.
You arent going to get major sponsors, however, until you can do something for them in a big way. Basically said- its easier to win the lottery or pay for it yourself.
Ugly Girl #6

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My previous employer gave me and a couple others a little sponsorship by buying us all company logo-ed jumpsuits. The other two guys didn't even have an A license yet. This was only after I told them about all the other computer geeks at the DZ who might want to come work for us. We also had to deliver our product on time.
Of course, that is before the bastards laid me off. Now you can get a nice brand new (2 jumps) Bev sit/skysurf suit for cheap on the auctions here. I'm even throwing in a Skyventure patch to cover over their logo!
The Dutchboy

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