
I never knew i had this much self control!!!

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I could have been jumping today (perfect weather nice and warm light winds) but my dad flew in last night. My mom went to go get him while i held down the fort. Now i had two choices, 1)make them come back by noon today so i could get my just in, or 2)wait another week and let them have a nice day together. I chose #2 :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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my point is that i could have easly just said ya know mom i havn't jumped in three weeks and if i don't get it done today i will have to pay for a recurency jump (more $$$) and she would have made sure she and dad were back by noon so i could down to the dz by 1-1:30, BUT i didn't I let my parents who havn't seen each other in about six months have a Night and day to them selves.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Work it, brother man! Not only are you a good son but next time you wanna go spend several days and way too much money at the dz how can they say no?!
BTW - a good way to look at life. Down the road you won't even remember that you missed a few jumps or had to shell out some cash for a recurrency jump. But you'll never forget all the special moments you got with just you and Grandpa. Irreplaceable memories. The thread of life! Your grandpa sounds like a trooper. How lucky he is to have you!

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How's the granddad? Hope he's doing great and still having fun...

He is doing as well as a 98 year old can, he is weak so days but others he needs very little help from us. He is however slowly loosing weight b/c he will sleep straight through lunch sometimes.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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oh he is a crazy dude, he worked full time as a Mason doing stucco(sp) work till he was 75!! then up until like four years he would still be out around the house doing stuff. He is one tough guy. He scratch built a glider.....ya not the little remote control ones an actual glider!!!:o Also built a little motor boat, and the house that i live in. Hard to beleive since he never went to high school. He spent most of his free time taking my mom out on deep sea fishing trips for Albacore, Tuna, and my got a 300 pound thrasher shark one time!!! you have no idea how many times i have heard that story.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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