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That video was a long time ago, folks. I am a little upset you didn't ask me if it was OK to post the vid. Yes, my landings are much better thank you. I am going to go get my logbook and see how many standups I have in the last I don't know, say six months? I think that video was taken in the early Spring sometime, around my birthday.
Fear not your death - fear having not really lived. Willie Sinsel, KS.

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"I am a little upset you didn't ask me if it was OK to post the vid."
Oh c'mon sis. There's not a person here who hasn't had a landing like that sometime in their skydiving career. Nothing to get upset about that yours happened to be caught on tape :D

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It is more than that, Mark. That video has been a sore spot since the beginning. There is more to the story & I don't want to get into it. I can handle teasing and ribbing when it comes to my goofs, just like anyone else. I can laugh at myself. But usually people let things go after awhile. I don't see the point in embarassing someone that much. Again, it goes beyond this thread.
Also, one of the points I am making is that regardless of the subject matter, it would be kind if you asked the person in the video if it was OK to post it on a worldwide newsgroup.
I have done much more embarassing things at the dz than this, fortunately for me they weren't recorded! ;)
I'm not mad, but I am dissapointed.
Fear not your death - fear having not really lived. Willie Sinsel, KS.

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Yeah there's never a video camera around when you really NEED one!! Its always the lame shit that gets recorded, not the really juicy stuff. Like the time I mooned the President of Skydive U?! I have been told differing stories on that one. Some say I did, some say I didn't. Point is - I don't remember so I can't say either way!
Fear not your death - fear having not really lived. Willie Sinsel, KS.

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But usually people let things go after awhile. I don't see the point in embarassing someone that much.

Thats exactly how I feel - there I was enjoying a bit of passion with a bunny on the bonnet of a car at Texel, when next thing BenW takes a pic and posts it!!! Imagine my pain, crying myself to sleep at night, deeply humiliated.... Oh no, I'm having another flashback.... :o
NOT! :)/s
PS I miss that bunny.....

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I land...just not on my feet most times :)"
That's why God gave Chics big cushy butts.....

Oh, that's the reason. I have been thinkin' that for a long time. Is it somehow relative, bigger butt, less they have depth perception? :)

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