
Clay - A fundraiser for your enjoyment

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Each year at our dz we have either a hot tub party or a pig roast etc. so this year we thought instead of footing the whole bill ourselves that we would do a little fundraiser.
All us girls got together and took all sorts of pictures of each others boobies. Sometimes posing together, others alone. It was hilarious. We even threw in some huge man breasts for fun. What we have done is made a big collage of boobies and anyone can pay $5 to see the collage and guess who's boobies are who's. The person who gets the most correct will get a free jump. The catch is that you will never know which ones you got right....we'll never disclose who's boobies are who's! :D ;)

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Hey Tee,

and anyone can pay $5 to see the collage

Hon, all you had to do was suggest it - and I'd
have brought the pig to you myself (except I don't know where Clay, Skreamer or Justin live so I can't
bring them to you) ...Here in SC we hunt them (wild pigs, not Justin, Clay or Skreamer) and they make
pretty good eating...so next time you need a pig, just say so...I can get about as many pigs as you like at
any given moment...except I can't provide you with Clay or Justin or Skreamer...lol.

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Hon, all you had to do was suggest it - and I'd
have brought the pig to you myself

:D Well sweetie, you can still come for a visit without the pig (or Justin, Clay or Skreamer) and take a peek at our boobie collage. There's always a chance of matching them up in person! ;)
One year when we ordered the pig from the Hutterites, they pulled up in their truck and brought out a pig on a leash. I almost died...nicely telling them we needed a dead pig like all the other years! :D They politely took the pig home,cleaned it all up and brought it back dead and ready for the spit. :)tee

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What we have done is made a big collage of boobies and anyone can pay $5 to see the collage and guess who's boobies are who's.

My God! It's "Guess the Breast" - We were just talking about such a game not more than 3 weeks ago.
Mmmm... Breasts....

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