
harvard or yale???

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Not so. Scores like that are a good thing to have, but the fact is you can get into Harvard with scores as low as 1000-1200 if you're a legitimate blue chip athlete.
Places like Brown & Cornell and Penn are a bit easier to get into, but not a ton. Either way, people with 1500-1600 on their SATs regularly get turned down by schools like Harvard if there are no other apparent dimensions to their background or personality. As an indicator of academic success, though, I agree with you.
That said, after a second look I am inclined to agree with Justin that this thread is a troll.

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Man skyhawk...first you where going for 5 BA's in one year,then a hlecopter pilot, a tv person, and now harv or yale?? Dude all for getting an education but your starting to get a little unrealistic!!!! thats the one thing I had a councler tell me is that decide what youd like to do but remember you have to be realistic about it......I'm not trying to knock you...Hell go for the gold but remember to keep everything in perspective

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nope not a troll im deadly serious,
with the ba's i was trying to decide which one to get , i have chosen a bacholor of business.
harvard/yale/etc come after i get my bacholor the reason i posted here was because im in australia so dont know much about schools like that and there isnt really anyone to ask for oppinions.
the helicopter thing is just a personal thing, just like skydiving i wouldnt mind making a little out of it but im not after a career in it.
the tv thing im interested in and the way that im doing my bachalor means that i can work full time so it sounded like a good place to work.
as i said this isnt something im planing in a year or somthen i know it will be atleast 3/4 years befor i can even apply for harvard/yale or get my chopper licence.
plus im surprised that you thought this was a troll cause i been here for years and sure ive made my fair share of pointless posts but i have never ever trolled
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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