
WHERE'S MY RIG ???!!!!

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I feel your pain!!!! Just got an e-mail from my supplier - she received my container (Mirage), Cypres and Reserve, but the main (Sabre2) is only gonna get there in like 3 more weeks. Then I need to ship it out here, which will probably be like another week, and then I'm gonna have to give it to the rigger over here to make sure nothing got damaged in the transport process....But then WHOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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Didn't you order a Superfly (nice rigs by the way, a good choice) from Chris Thomas?
Wasn't one of the main decision influences the delivery time?
Wanna wind him up? His brother Derro sent me my tie dyed custom Oditty about a month earlier than scheduled.....[wind up smiley face].
Hope it comes soon

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Woah.. that is a really cool material they are using (on the black rig.. looks like some pants I see some girls wear). I had no idea there is such a different range of skydiving gear that isn't seen in the US. I've never seen anyone with a parachue de france main, or rig for that matter. What do you guys think of these products ? Is mirage popular there? Are these tear drop rigs popular there? Pros / Cons to them?
Very intrigued..

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In the UK and Europe in general, you dont see a lot of mirages (allthough I dont look for them).
I can tell you I've only noticed 1 other reflex in europe execpt ours, but there's a dealer, so there must be some....
In the parts of the UK /France / Spain I've been, Atoms (pdf) are realy popular, so are Javs, and to a lesser extent Tear Drop Cassics and Superflys. You see some Vectors, but not many. A few Racers, but again not many. Some Vortex.
there are some Next (German, so I bet there would be more in germany.. Next has some cool fabrics too) and some Advance (french comapny, I think).
dont see many (any in fact) infinities around.
Muff 914

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there are some Next (German, so I bet there would be more in germany.. Next has some cool fabrics too) and some Advance (french comapny, I think).

Hummm.. so it sounds like the atom is like the mirage for the UK. Mirage are very popular here, though the popularity is going down a bit with the introduction of some other rigs (odessy, infinity, etc..) i havfen't seen infinities as it is around here though monkeyclaw (freefly team) uses them exclusively. Has just about everyone over there heard of a mirage ? If i saw someone here with an atom on I'd haven't the foggiest what it was if I hadn't seen them today.

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do a search in the gear forum.. a german poster (sorry dude, cant remember who you were) posted the link to next's website.... but to be honnest with you, I think the rig is called next, cant remember the company name... parafun maybe???
I wouldnt be so sure that the mirage is THE popular rig in the US.... I still think there are way more Javs then mirages.... sunpath has done extremely well in marketing their product.
I think its quite healthy that there is such a wide variety of rigs and equipment out there... makes the impact of any product problem less of a problem for the community....
Muff 914

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are you sure they're not French Swiss, or Italian Swiss? ;)
funny you mention the swiss, I hung out a bit with a bunch of swiss jumpers at Empuria last weekend, and they had pretty much everything but mirages... lol....
out of the 200 people there, only saw 1 mirage.
Muff 914

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