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I am going through a divorce, My X is giving me a hard
time because I skydive. I have a small child and he is saying that I shouldn't skydive. My question is how can I convience him it is a safe sport and how should I present it to my Judge if it is brought up. I love to skydive and I would never do it if I didn't feel it is a safe sport. Thanks for listening.
> Sincerely,
> Someone who loves to skydive with all my heart

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For what my opinion is worth.......I don't think you can convince most people that skydiving is a safe sport. Statistics might help, but I think Quade had good advice, YOU don't say anything, leave it to your Lawyer. If you are personally asked, be prepared with whatever question is asked. Have the statistics and be able to explain what safety measures you take to ensure you skydive safely.
"You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person".

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I dunno how much this works but here it goes: first like others said YOU don't say anything, let your lawyer do the talking.
A good example I like to give people to make them see its not dangerous is to show them car crash statistic, how many people die in a year cause of a car crash and compare it with the skydiving; every day a person dies in a car crash, not every day a skydiver dies. It's all in the statistics.
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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A good example I like to give people to make them see its not dangerous is to show them car crash statistic, how many people die in a year cause of a car crash and compare it with the skydiving; every day a person dies in a car crash, not every day a skydiver dies. It's all in the statistics.

Those aren't accurate statistics. Many, many, many more people drive in a car everyday compared to how many skydive.
I agree you should leave it to your lawyer. Maybe you could supply him with accurate statistics on skydiving fatalities and all the things you are doing to skydive as safely as possible. Have some info available on how it compares to other activities such as scuba diving. Skydiving is dangerous and anyone who thinks otherwise is being foolish. There are ways of reducing your risks and you should have a list of things you are doing to show you are a responsible, safety conscious skydiver. I don't see how any of this should really fit in with your fitness as a parent. You should be free to pursue your interests as long as it's not illegal or putting your child in danger.
Blue Skies,

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I tend to agree with the last post, the fact that you skydive does not affect your fitness as a parent. Your skydiving does not put your child in harms way. your future Ex is reaching for the proverbel straws. However, you think you and your lawyer may want to do to reach a compromise is put a stipulation in the divorce decree, that you will obtain and maintain a life insurance policy which will pay out in the event you die skydiving. Im assuming in the event of your passing that your future-EX will have custody of the juvenile child therefore make him benificary of said policy. The Aforementioned stipulation will deter him from declaring a financial burden. Just a thought. Good luck on the new beginning your life.

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I would add that -
To be a woman skydiver shows that you have a high level of intelligence, self confidence, self esteem, troubleshooting skills, and you are a quick thinker.
In other words everything you need to raise a kid.
-in my opinion -
you could work in a bio-chemical-hazard place
be a tight rope walker, an illegal drug sales person
and you would have the same argument from the X.
So, I am thinking that your hobby of choice aint that bad.
If that is the worst thing he can come up with -heh- let us all come and testify for you.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
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Don't worry too much about trying to prove that skydiving (or any other sport) is safe. Divorce judges hear these kind of arguments from waring ex-spouses all day long, and they're sick of it. But here are some statistics for you anyway. According to the National Safety Council (www.nsc.org), one in 6,212 Americans die in auto accidents, and one in 2,762 die from all accidental causes combined, every year. And these numbers don't count murder or suicide which become much more likely in divorce situations, if you're not careful. The fatality rate for skydiving seems to hover around one every 65,000 jumps, and depending on how you count participants, seems to be about the same, per participant, as the overall accident rate excluding skydiving. So on average, you're just as likely to die of something else as you are skydiving. I hope this cheers you up. LOL
I feel for you. I've been there. Bill Booth

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First question- have you always been into the sport or is this something that came about during the divorce?
Stats don't hurt and the other thing is try to get him to make one tandem, but not at your dz, make him go somewhere else to see how safe it is.
If that doesn't work and things get worse offer him an AFF jump no strings attached.

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I just went through a nasty custody battle where skydiving was brought up. My ex actually brought out the picture of the unknown naked 5 way and accused me of being in it. It was hilarious. My lawyer asked me if the children had ever made a skydive. They hadn't. I won.
My advice is don't worry about it. Unless you are allowing the children to skydive or ride in the plane, there shouldn't be any problem. There are many other leisure activities that are just as dangerous. Just be painfully truthful with your lawyer regarding any post beer light activities you've participated in and let him handle it.

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I got an idea!! Throw your ex out of a plane witha rig attached to him....after he gets down, ask him if he wants to try it without the rig. When he says no, then I guess he will think that skydiving is a lot more safe than just jumping out of an airplane!!

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I think it was the April Parachutist that had a big spread about the deaths last year, and it broke down into percentages of what the deaths were caused from. Maybe something concrete like that would help.
If that doesn't work you could always point out to your ex that if something happens to you while skydiving, then he'll get the kids anyway. Since you're in a custody battle, this might appeal to him and he'll encourage you to keep jumping. (Hopefully you're a conservative jumper though, and it won't come true!)
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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I am a mother of 2 boys- skydiver for 15 years, raised my boys just fine. I know many mothers that skydive, and some grandmothers. In fact my 23 yr. old is now taking up the sport -
On a forum like this I am sure you could get a reference of many mother skydivers that are even drop zone operators in this sport for over 20 years- with grown children that now skydive (Jessie Farrington-Kapowsin, Debbie Harper-Abbotsford Para Centre...)
but sure it would not be necessary as this is what you pay your lawyer for.

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Here's my 2 cents: what we see too much in the courtroom is a parade of interested witnesses saying how great the party they are testifying for is. Find a nuetral witness (dz owner who presents well, experienced jumper, et.). Personally, if you can find statistics that show that what you do (skydiving) is safer than something he does (driving a car on the freeway) then it should neutralize the effect. Most judges are smart enough not be swayed by that sort of thing, we had a divorce case in our courtroom with a skydiver as a party. My judge didn't care a lick. Part of that may have been because I am her clerk and shoot video for a part time job. PM me if you have further questions.
Drewfus McDoofus

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I skydived because I've always had a love for planes since I was little. I had no idea I would love the sport so much.........I did it to boost my self-esteem. It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its the greatest feeling knowing I can control and land my canopy with style. Thanks for responding!

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