
A question for the geeks

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Anybody who knows shit about computers? My roomates comp is kinda iffy with graphics...Sometimes it'll show pics okay, and sometimes they come out really pixelly, and sometimes they're fine. I tried changing the coulor settings in the display setup from 'high colour(16bit)' to '256 colour', and that worked for a while, but now it's back to the same old shit. I was gonna change out the video card, but it's built into the mother-board, and there aren't any PCI slots. Plus, I can't do anything to the video settings if I run setup at boot. anybody got any suggestions? They'd be appreciated,
-Whuffo you sit on that couch all day?

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Can the card support 24 or 32 bit True Colour?
Sounds like the pictures might be exhausting the colour (too many colour shades and hues) pallette for each screen mode and the OS ties a best guess fit to get the pictures to come out? That is what I have noticed with pictures with alot of colour varations when running in 8 or 16 bit modes.
Just a guess.

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Just about any photograph is going to look like crap at 256 colors. Think back to a Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis, they both had 256 color graphics. 16 bit would be the least I would recommend, and it should work on any halfway recent computer. Most modern computers can do 24 bit without trouble (I think Windows calls it "true color").
What do you mean about "show pics okay?" Consistently blocky images and washed out colors indicate to me that the computer is reducing the numbers of colors in an image to make it fit with the colors that it can display. You will almost always see this with 256 color mode. If it only happens some of the time then you might have a problem with that particular piece of software or image.

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Roger, I'm no expert, but you state that the problem is intermittent, and to me that indicates a video (regardless of on-board or separate card) or monitor problem. Have you tried a different monitor? If the problem was consistent I would say to take a look at your settings. You can also go to troubleshooting in display graphics properties and see if there is a problem with your monitor.
G. Jones
"Why don't they have a light bulb that only shines on things that are worth looking at?"

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