
In a week....

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Sure, it's a shitty rainy Friday. But next weekend is MEMORIAL DAY! And I know that the randy, raunchy, jump-hungry dz.com population has some big plans.
So what's the haps?
I'm getting on a big shiny plane Friday morning, and flying to Ohio, where I will spend quality time with my favorite skydiver. ;) I plan to owe a LOT of beer by Tuesday.
So if you're in the area, come to Skydive Greene County and meet me and PhreeZone and myriad other troublemakers.

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I'm holding a fundraiser at the DZ for a friend that makes his living as a vidographer and broke his leg on a less than stellar landing. It should be a hoot. I've arranged for 15K jumps for an nominal fee (we usually get 12.5K), paper big ways, glory slots on organized jumps, I make monkey fists (Keith's Monkey Balls :D) and have been selling them with all the procedes going to the cause, and I even got someone to shave his head for the cause. There's other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head.

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"Nig noggery"???
What all does that entail Clay?

Usually involves three primary elements:
1) Alcohol
2) Nakedness
3) Guns in several varieties IE Real, Paintball, Potato, Flaming tennis ball, and anything else that goes boom.
Of course those are just the "base" elements...then you have Beacon towers, aircraft tugs, runway drag racing....etc etc..as long as no uniformed or undercover policemen are involved it's all good. :)"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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"as long as no uniformed or undercover policemen are involved it's all good"
I was at a boogie at an undiscosed English DZ, and one of the biggest party animals there was a drug squad officer with an undisclosed large English police constabulary, gawd did he tear a hole in our stash.......And we got to some pretty crazy shenanigans that week...
C'mon man cops gotta have a little fun too ya know...:)Cya

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