
Fear Factor

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Did ya hear Super Dave might be on Fear Factor??? He was at Sland yesterday and said they called him back after his interview and they wanted him. He had to make a video of himself yesterday and send it to them. He said he's not totally sure if or when, but they did call him back!! That's cool! We will have to have a Fear Factor party at the DZ to watch Super eat some disgusting bugs. (Oh wait, we have already seen him do that.)

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The only thing I wouldn't do if I ever got on that show is the one they had to walk across a wing to pick up a flag. That was crazy. Can you imagine how hard it's going to be to pull someone back in the plane should they slip off?
It'd be cool if one of the stunts was to skydive. Yeah! That'll be a give away.

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That is so true......
I miss seeing him doing the teeth clench and hitting his head and arm real hard before a jump and the cut away and reserve dance... his is in some of my films just after SLand opened. Picking his nose.. consuming contents.... Historic and classic.....
I think Ramon, Stevie, Jeremy, Rabbitt and a few others might remember the shuttle to the other airport just before we all went to the LimpBizkit concert, WhewHoo- all NINE skydivers in my SUV singing loud as ever.... ~~Shut the Fuck Up-~~ ............Damn, I was riding on the console with Stevie driving and SuperDave in the passinger seat.... ~~Shut the Fuck Up-~~ YaHOOOOO.... Whupeee
We realized much too late.. there was a Tandem on the tailgate and a new guy in the back seat. (Ramon on his 1st trip to SLand) Ramon said later he thought we were all crazy... :o After that it was common to hear SuperDave sing Shut the Fuck up on the way to alt. We all chimed in... :)Nobody will ever forget the SuperDave surfing the landing area water at the end of his kite trick, ... with the double flip crash ending. He can also do a Carbone immitation like you wouldnt believe......
-SuperDave the human party trick -
In order to keep a true perspective on importance, ... have a dog that will worship you and a cat that will ignore you.

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Today he catches an alligator at the Southeast pond at SSL, wraps it with electrical tape and brings it into the hanger for everyone to see. It was only 3 ft long but he was in the water with it!
B| Gemini
... Let go dude! I can't land with you hanging on!...

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Today he catches an alligator at the Southeast pond at SSL, wraps it with electrical tape and brings it into the hanger for everyone to see. It was only 3 ft long but he was in the water with it!

Please tell me they got that on video!
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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