
Oh really? How?

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this is cool... i just learned about those types of missles in class a month ago or so.... i ouldn't want to mess with those things!!!!! the stinger is much better missle though.... so hopefully they have the old russian ones.....

it only took a little pixie dust to change this mispelling

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Flares on a Gulfstream? How would it even know the missle had been fired?

I don't really know how it works (just read a short article about it in a magazine a while back). Couldn't find anything on the Gulfstream website. I just remember the article said that over 60 governments use Gulfstreams to transport VIPs so they wanted military style defense. I'll see if I can find anything about it.

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I know this is a troll, but I can't help myself.

what purpose do they serve being in our country anyway other than envoking fear in the american populace in this post september 11 era in which we now reside in.

How about running businesses and contributing to our economy? Existing (and succeeding) in every role in society? Reading this, I have a feeling that you have never met a person of middle-eastern descent.

true american here!

This attitude worries me more than terrorism.

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Hey, "fast martin"????
You said:

true american here!

If you believe, as you seem to, that all "towelheads" (and I cringe when writing that, believe you me) are worthless; that we should "just take the oil from the ungrateful bastards", and the rest of your post, literally from the first to the last word of your post, this belief leaves out a lot of people with different views who are also american - proudly, perfectly American.
If you are looking for an American identity, may I suggest, for your edification and reading pleasure, a few things? Like, um, the Constitution? The Bill of Rights? And maybe, if you're still up for it, the Declaration of Independence.
As I am a "true american", I will fight with all that I am for your right to state your belief and opinion, no matter how wrong it is. I will also exercise my own freedom of speech, and say that to me, your views are vile, putrid, despicable, and perjorative.
Your post bespeaks your mind fairly well...and that's enough for me.
Ciels and Pinks -
Life is what you make it; always was, always will be.
~Grandma Moses~

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