
Parachutes...... Talking bad shit on people.......

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o.k. I have heard one too many times people saying so and so is going to break bones because he is on too small of a canopy for 300 jumps..
Whatever.. No one said this to me just in general..
If you don't have confidence in yourself that is fine, but don't go telling people that THEY WILL GET HURT it's just a matter of time.. That's bullshit.. That is bad form and shit talk at it's best..
Each and every one of us knows the inherent risks involved in whatever facet of skydiving we are in.. If you have 300 jumps and you have done your homework and you are a good pilot then it is your choice if you want to load a canopy above 2.0..
Bad form... Enough bad shit is happening to our fellow brothers and sisters without us speaking more bad shit on them.
Speak onto others what you want spoken onto you and if you feel like criticizing someone the best place to start is in the mirror..
My rant is over... I hope no one gets hurt. I wish everyone no matter how aggressive they are nothing but fun and excitement.. Be safe..
Blue Skies ..... ;)

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I'm certainly not hoping people get hurt either, but many jumpers are proving that they do NOT have the judgement or education to be jumping the canopy they do. I'm not an officialy Canopy Nazi (tm), but it isn't rocket science.
It is the jumper's choice, but if I think they are being a dumbass, I don't have to jump with them or near them, and I sure don't want to be around when they hook in out of their stupidity. So if I say I think they are being an idiot, that is MY choice. They don't have to listen.
Just another $.02.

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I just said it....and I'll say it again. No one with 300 jumps needs to be flying a sub 100 cross braced eliptical. Period. Why.....yep I'm selfish...It's all just because I don't want to be doing CPR on someone until the ambulance shows up. That shit is really tiring. I'm glad that person left. Now, all I have to do is HEAR the story instead of SEEING it and being involved in it. My life is much more simple that way.
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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Saying he is an idiot is one thing.. But saying he is going to break his leg in the next day or so is b.s.
I'm with you.. I don't fly around idiots either.. That is the choice we have but putting yourself in a higher "risk category" is your choice and yours alone, concerning small canopies for example..
The fact of life is you usually get what you speak. You don't like people saying jfields is going to break his leg this week you can bet on it, so don't do it to others that is all I am saying.. I'm not saying you did just using an example.
There is nothing wrong with teaching these so called idiots so they can live longer and not hurt the rest of us that aren't dangerous.. Just don't speak bad physical misshaps on others.
Blue Skies ..... ;)
Free::: No one??? That is a bold statement.. With my whopping 300 jumps I happen to LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF MY CROSSFIRE2, 97 loaded at 1.85. I am not going to hurt myself.. And anyone who speaks that on me can kiss my ass... :)

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You don't like people saying jfields is going to break his leg this week you can bet on it, so don't do it to others that is all I am saying.. I'm not saying you did just using an example.

But then again, if enough people told me that I'd break my leg if I kept doing what I do, maybe I'd listen. They wouldn't necessarily be wishing ill on me, just sadly be predicting it.

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I don't remember calling him an idiot. If I did I apologize. He's actually a pretty smart guy. He is just young, has big cajones, and thinks he is invincible. I don't know much about skydiving but I know he is fucking up. The only reason I write about it is because I KNOW he lurks here. A lot!! I hope he reads it and pays attention. My hopes aren't high for that since he hasn't listened to all the other people that have tried to tell him not to fly that canopy. I doubt I will make any difference but at least it's not on my concience any more. I said my peace and he didn't listen. Thats all I can do. I'm not his mother.
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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If those same people were skilled enough to make that statement then they should be teaching not judging someone into the ground..
A little good form would be nice where that is concerned.. Don't you agree?? ;)
Blue Skies ..... ;)
free::: Is he a good pilot? Is he picking the brain of the best swoopers and learning from the best? Maybe everyone should let him fly?? I mean?? If he is good?? I am with you.. I don't want anyone to get hurt either..
Like Hook said, I hope ALL of our bags of experience fill up before our bag of luck runs out..
L= Labor
U= Under
C= Correct
K= Knowledge
You can make your own luck my doing your homework and practicing.. Tiger Woods is the luckiest golfer I have ever seen..

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Rhino - everyone progresses differently under canopy - I have just over 300 jumps and I jump a 97 Stiletto........do I give shit what other people say about me under my canopy..........NO. Bottom live I am confortable under my canopy and I am the only one flying it..........

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Just saying lets not wish broken bones on each other is all..

I think it was Billvon that has the idea that a broken femur is preferable to the person's death. I share that ideology....May he swoop endlessly and pefectly every time.
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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You said:

If those same people were skilled enough to make that statement then they should be teaching not judging someone into the ground..

And you also said:

I am not going to hurt myself.. And anyone who speaks that on me can kiss my ass...

Clearly, not everyone is willing to be taught. Sometimes all we can do is stand there and uselessly make predictions, because people's minds are closed.
As a side note, I have no idea who you and Clay are talking about, and I'm not referring to anyone directly.

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Parachutes...... Talking bad shit on people

I agree with the not approaching some one and saying "dude your gonna femur in or dude it's only a matter of time" That is not called for. Or is it?
I see people make some really really stupid decisions everywhere. Not just in skydiving. So what do you say when some really blatant unaware stupid shit happens over and over and over...............
"Dude..........It's only a matter of time before you really fuck yourself up:P"
because that person will not only ruin their day but yours too.......

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So far I'm2/3 on prediction at my DZ.... me being one and Blue being the other..... Cajun has heard it from me on a few jumps. Luckly at my DZ we are surrounded by Pops jumpers that like to toggle hook smaller canopies and when we front riser a big canopy at a light loading and go as far, the newbies know who to follow. There is still about 3 people that I know are going to hurt them selfs on the DZ yet and I hate doing CPR so if they leave its good with me....
Jessica will kill me if I get a 135 @ 1.4:1 because I'm not ready for it. Do I know how to fly it? Yeah... I know as much on canopy control as most people here if not more thanks to being able to sit and talk to John and Brian. There is a big difference between knowing the material and having the experience to apply the material.
Do I have the knowledge to fly a plane? Yeah... I've read books, seen pilots fly, and even played in a simulator but I still could'nt fly since I've never been able to apply the material under supervision and assistance.
I hope no one gets hurt but experience and everything eles tells me that it will never happen.
Drop the tube...DROP the tube...

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