
Protrack woes

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Just recently I set mine to 8 grand (accidently) - caused me to break off early....*shrug*

But I've never had one buzz for 5500 feet. The only time my ProTrack acts squirrelly is when the batteries get low. Are yours fresh?

If it really is defective then I'm sure L&B will replace it.

Be safe,


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If you are hearing the flatline under canopy in a snivel you need to either adjust your flat line or start pulling higher.
The most snively canopys rarely take more then 800 feet to open. Most are closer to 600ish. My spectre used to take 650-700 ish... my Cobalt is about 600-650 ish.
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I turned my pro track on in the plane on the way to altitude one time and in freefall it beeped at me at 8000', so looking at my altimeter I decided to ignore the pro track and after it freaked me out til 4000 I pulled. I looked at it and it read that I jumped from 1500' and pulled at 800'.
It was nerve racking during freefall.
So I guess what I'm getting at is..... did you turn it on in the plane? If you do, you have to set it to the altitude your at when you turn it on, so it will read correctly.

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quick 360 under a canopy at 2:1.... must be some sort of weird burble that forms and sets the bugger off, the first couple of times it scared the crap out of me.

was it second alarm or alarm ? second will beep anyway, if you still in freefall or under the canopy.
i'm not sure if you can set the third alarm off under fast canopy.


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I only have two alarms programmed in to the thing (you can do that by setting them equal to each other), I dont' like three alarms. basically, one is break off the other is "do you have something out yet". when I do the canopy manuver I get the siren.

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