
I'm in work and I was bored...........

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...........after reading this, you will be too. [unsure]
Transcript of one of the worlds worst AFF Level 1 skydives.
The Cast.
PJM - Primary Jumpmaster
SJM - Secondary Jumpmaster
AFF - Student
Radio - As himself

PJM: "Hoohhh ! Are you ready to skydive ?"
AFF: "Does a hobby horse have a wooden dick ?"
PJM: "This is your last chance. Are you ready to skydive."
AFF: "Alright then."
PJM: "Put your feet out after me."
AFF: "Check In....."
AFF: "Are you sure ? Yeah ? OK, good. Check Out......."
AFF: "Up, Down, Up, Down ....... Up Down Arch !"
HARM check
AFF: "Ground : Shiiiiiiiiit ! Altitude : Shiiiiit !"
AFF to PJM: "12,000ft ?"
AFF to SJM: "12,500ft ?"
"Reach, Touch..............Damn, where is it !........Ah ! Touch, Recover !"
AFF: "Reach, Touch, Recover !"
PJM gives the signal for another PRCT.
AFF: Really ? Gee thanks. I thought I was doing crap !
PJM Gives the signal to Arch
AFF: "I know. I really AM flying."
SJM gives signal to straighten legs.
AFF: "Well screw you too !"
PJM gives the signal tp pull
AFF: "Damn. Can't we stay up here a little longer ?"
PJM enforces the signal to pull.
AFF: Okay, Okay ! Reach, Touch...........Damn, I still can't find.......ah, there it is. Pull !"
AFF: "1000 - 2000 - 3000 - 3001 - 3002 - 3003 - 3004 - 4000 - Check Canopy ! Yep ! Plenty of foliage down there."
AFF: "Release Toggles. Check left turn......OK ! Check right turn.......OK ! Check Reverse.....Damn, how did he say I should do that ?"
Radio : .....CACKLE.....HSSSS......"OK No.2. Open and close your legs twice if you can hear me"
AFF: "Okay..........Aggghh, my balls !"
Radio : "Good. Keep making those left and right turns down to 1000 to stay inside your 'play area'."
AFF: ".......Agggh.....Oooohhhhh......."
Radio: "Left toggle just a bit, Left toggle just a bit, Right toggle just a bit......."
AFF: Alright Alright. Lay off will ya ! Jesus !
Radio: "Left toggle just a bit. Ok Full Drive, Full Drive, Full Drive.....
AFF: "I'm Drivin' ! I'm Drivin' !'"
Radio: "FLARE !"
AFF: Sorry, What did you saUGGGHHH ! ! !

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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What do you do for a living?

I work for a Government Agency as a "Technical Assistant". Basically I help out dumb-ass project managers with their IT problems. And when I say "Dumb-Ass" I mean that some of them have had a PC on their desk for 4 years and they still don't know how to send an e:mail attachment. You can see how I can get bored so easily. It's about as exciting as looking for a HTML coding error.
This is why I need skydiving in my life. Roll on the clear skies ! ! !

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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