
Careful who you fall in love with...

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Love is being able to tolerate the presence of a person in the same room as you after 20 years of being together ;)

Try my parents. 41 years.

Around year 25 I heard this:

Me: "Mom, why do you guys argue too much?"
Mom: "Because we're too G-damned poor to get divorced."

^-- is that what romantics call "magic?"


I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Thoughts for the day.
  • A dance never seems too long when you have the right partner
  • Love is friendship set to music
  • Some people make the world more special just by being in it.
  • To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with
  • To love is to admire with the heart. To admire is to love with the mind
  • When one is truly in love, one not only says it, but shows it
  • Through the eyes of love, all things will take on new meaning
  • No secrets is the secret of a happy marriage

  • Love and eggs are best when they are fresh
  • All marriages are happy, it's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble
  • Keep your eyes open before marriage and half-closed afterwards
  • Marriage is a romance in which the hero dies in the first chapter
  • Love is the silent picture; and marriage is the talking version of it


I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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"Mystery and intrigue and the basis of a great relationship"
HA! I can see that you have never been blind-sided and hurt BAD by one of those 'mystery' types. Yeah, it IS very sexy, and DOES have it's appeal! It's the stuff that makes up for wonderful infatuations. I tend to be attracted to the "thoughtful" (&funny) types, too.
The thing is, what you don't know (and maybe later find out everybody else does/did know) can hurt you & really screw up your head.
THINK about it.

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Mystery(read between the lines) and (read between the lines) intrigue;). Girl, I was being a bit sarcastic. I am a simple person. I love mystery and intrigue but not in relationships. Could not agree with you more.
I also preffer intelect and cracving of adventure - can you tell me where I can find a woman loke that. They seem to be endangered species. All you get now days are '49-ers;)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Hey, it's not a rat it's a Gerbil. They may belong to the same species but it would be like confusing you with a Gorilla. :P
My proper nickname is Gerb, and a splinter cell of my friends started calling me Bile after a night of too much BEER ! ! ! I think you can guess why. :S
Now it's my turn (Heh Heh !) B|
Women usually like to promote themselves as intelligent, but your on-line name suggests you've got no brain. This of course is in direct contradiction to the intellectual posts you put up. So what gives and why haven't you got an icon ?

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Sorry about the "rat" reference.:)Well, about my On-Line Name: It took a while to come up with a name with a double meaning. I enjoy laughing & joking around and double-meanings can be funny too especially in private jokes ;). People don't always "get" who I am...SO since I AM into having my head in the air, literally, AND humor is a big part of who I am... I thought the name ironic, once ya get to know me...But then again, maybe NOT!

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Well, I don't know what time zone your in dude (where ARE you at?), but here in Michigan- USA's Eastern time zone it is currently:11:33AM:)Got time to kill until I go to work later this afternoon. Man! I gotta get my own computer & internet at home...I'm at a university library using their internet access... BUT I am getting good at finding places to log on...AND I don't havta pay for it! HEhHEh.

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My mistake. Paying too much attention to the time on the side (it said 06:30am). :S
It's Friday. It's almost 17:00hrs. My In-Tray is full but I don't give a flying squirrel because it's time for........

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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