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The Word of the Day for October 2 is:
widow's cruse \WIH-dohz-KROOZ or WIH-dohz-KROOSS\ (noun)
: an inexhaustible supply
Example sentence:
Skyboy rocked kate all night long as if he had a widows cruse of energy that would not end until the sun came up.
Did you know?
A cruse is a small metal hanging lamp, such as the one
featured in the biblical tale of Elijah (1 Kings 17:8-16).
In that story, the prophet was sent to a poor widow who had
little food and only a single cruse for light. He asked her to
share her food and light with him; she did, and was rewarded
with an ever-burning lamp and an inexhaustible food supply.
The term "widow's cruse" recalls the bountiful outcome of that

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Hey, good Lady I'm getting jealous! How come you know so much about Skyboy's sex life? Skyboy (whoever you are) I hereby challenge you to a duel (SLAAAAP! *slap in the face with a lead lined glove indicating challenge*) Thou are not worthy of the pure heart of the fair Skygal3. B|B|B|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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I will store that info where I keep all the other useless information, in my brain.

Simple insertion of punctuation.....

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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