
Computer help (graphics cards)

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I got a Geforce 2mx, and the bearings in the fan are shot. making a LOT of noise. do you think I could safely take it off without replacing it? I don't have a fan that small to put on.
It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone

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What and ruin this great excuse to upgrade your card?

Seriously, yeah, you could probably do that, I've done it before, actually (not that kind of card, though). Go to Rat Shack or someplace similar to get a small-ass fan. :)
(rat shack = radio shack)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It's been done before - depends on how it's attached. Make sure you get the same voltage fan. They come in 12v and 5v varieties typically. I don't recommend an ass fan. Even a small one. They are usually 120vAC.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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you can definitly repace the fa nand take it off witout any problems. I would NOT recommend running the card without a fan or it wil overheat the surrounding components. IE. RAM, CPU, and MOBO this would result in $$$ spent on a compute and not jumping which is never a good thing.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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I got a Geforce 2mx, and the bearings in the fan are shot. making a LOT of noise. do you think I could safely take it off without replacing it? I don't have a fan that small to put on.

Time to update that card anyway, you cant play any of the new killer 3d games with it.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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I agree here. If you have the cash to spring get the ATI raedon 9700 or a G4 TI 4600.

If you wanna get a lower end reliable cost effective card get the radon 9000 OR the G4 mx 400.

That's just me though

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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Upgrading is a good idea but if your not interested in that right now, I have a blue orb fan that would probably work with Arctic Silver III paste. If the fan is glued on you can still take it off, you will need to put it in a static free bag, tape that bag up REALLY GOOD and then wrap it in plastic bag (from safeway or something) or a garbage bag will work well too. Then put it in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes and then the fan should pry right off cause the glue will be brittle. There are a few pages I have found in the past that will talk you through everything so if I find them again I will post them.

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a 9700 would be sweet - lot of money though (and money means jump tickets and beer). I kicked the s*** out of the fan earlier, and it's a little quieter now. Just got to show it who's boss :)

It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone

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Like a I said get something that is cheaper and has been out a little longer but has proben reliability like the 9000. It actually ome out after the 8500 but isn't as good. On the surface that sounds bad but remember that this card is actully competing with the lower end g4s

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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Definitely replace the fan. If it wasn't needed, it wouldn't be there.

If you're too cheap to replace it (or you can't find a replacement) then use an Nvidia tweaker utility to underclock the card until you can.

As for the Radeon 9700, I have an AIW-8500-DV and it rocks, especially in UT2K3. I would love to upgrade her to the new AIW-9700 for video editing but the weak point with ATI is their drivers. They are well known for having great hardware but also having drivers that are 6-months behind the curve. But after seeing how fast my Radeon 8500 runs in high-res modes on newer games I think the framerate on the 9700 would cause me to piss my pants with joy.

Almost forget my only real complaint with the Radeon line, the 3D support under Linux is horrible on the Radeon chipset.

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