
Happy Hanuka...

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and happy any other holiday anyone might be celebrating these days too

Alright then, Happy Finals...damn, doesn't sound as cheerful does it? Infact that sounds right down depressing...damnit...:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'll be serious also. I grew up in a heavily Jewish populated area (North Shore Long Island). Calling folks "Jews" began to take on a negative connotation. Most people I knew never called themselves a "Jew" but rather said they were Jewish.
This is just what I noticed. Perhaps some of our Jewish compadres can enlighten us.


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Perhaps some of our Jewish compadres can enlighten us

Yeah.....lets hope, cause I'm currently at a loss as to what else I would call someone from Israel. :D Hmmm....I had never put any thought into it but I guess if someone was American and of the Jewish faith then I would say they were "Jewish." However, Jews seems to fit for folks from Israel. Or just Israelis...*shrug*

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well i can't speak on behalf of the entire people but ...
i dont really care, just call me Ori B|

calling anybody anything can take negative connotations. it all depends who is calling and what they are trying to say.
and i think that goes for every race/nationality/religion etc.

still laughing about the "Hebrew Americans", needed that :D

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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That makes perfect sense...where is our skydiving brothers of the Jewish Faith to help us out when we need them?

sorry , can't keep up with the posting rate...
ok then..
i'm jewish, born in L.A , living in Israel now, so what am i?
all of the above (and hopefully much more...)

seriously, when living in the US, being jewish is mostly your religion. here in israel its your religion but also a big part of your nationality.

again, i speak for myself.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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While you're on the subject, can anyone explain when to light which candles on a Manorah (SP?)?
We've got one at work, not sure how it goes though, and the resident Hebrew employee wasn't around to explain it.
A co-worker walked by thinking the bulbs were out. After tinkering with it for a bit got all of them lighted and walked away happy that he "fixed" it. We all laughed later.

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Each night of Chanukah at sundown the center light is lit. You also light a candle for each night beginning from the left. So, since this is the 5th night of Chanukah, the center candle should be lit along with 5 other candles starting from the left.


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