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personally I preffer not to wear pants at the drop zone. It promotes socializing

Oh yeah. I was one of the unlucky ones who actually saw pictures of that (though I guess not as unlucky as those who were actually there!) Something about pink panites? Eek....

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dont know yet. havent wandered down..its a quicky mart so the selection is limited..(to drunk already to drive to the groc) but WA has suprised me with what you can get...

whats your pref? (you can buy the alchy next time)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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NOOOO actually they do have several decent things in the 10-20 range.Hard to get a specific winery but still..its a quicky mart..I LOVE WA...

sure Kriss got a glass? or yous two can just pass the bottle...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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paaaaassssssssss the bottle from the left hand side.... I thought Buddhists received their enlightenment from deep meditation...not wine..:P

oh no many of the great japanese zen buddhists got regularly plastered on sake...i blame the samurai tao influence ;) ..

probably not much from the east coast no..so..red/white? Particular grape type or are you girls easy? [I]prays for easy :)[/I]…about to wander you lovely ladies have distracted me from my empty bottle long enough…
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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