
famous people and autographs?

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today i was in nashville at logans roadhouse drinking a cold, frosty, refreshing beverage and in walks brooks and dunn. i asked the server if people aggravate them for autographs and her reply was that normally people leave them alone. no sooner than i said that this guy walks up to their table and asks for an autograph. me personally i wouldn't want to infringe on their meal and privacy so i opted not. just my take on things.

It is better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool!

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i guess i just have this image of people like that in my mind that they r truly sincere about their fan base and iof i were to ask and them be rude to me it would ruin any respect for that image. dunno guess it is kind of screwed up.

It is better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool!

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I saw Rosie O'Donald at South Lake Tahoe a couple of years ago, before the TV show. Her standup was hilarious. She made a point that she didn't give autographs to adults.

So we're at this mini-mall thing and she's in there with her Humorless Amazon Defensive Shield Entourage, and I walk up to her. She stiffens but shakes my hand and I tell her I loved her show, I wasn't gonna asks for her autograph. She asks what I do, I was a cop then, and we talk hilarious smack about OJ (who was on trial then) for about 5 minutes while the kids waited for Betty Rubble's autograph.

I pretty much detest her politics, and how she treated Tom Selleck on her show, but I enjoyed my conversation with her.

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Hey! Another skydiver in Nashville! Were you just visiting? I live in Nashville, and what the server told you was true, locals are very low key about celebs there. I've seen Amy Grunt I man Grant in Kroger, Wynonna, Michael W. Smith, Michael McDonald, Emilou Harris (sp?), Senetor Fred Thompson, etc. At first it was hard to supress the urge to get autographs, but when I saw how incredibly stupid some fans can be, I got the hint, I didn't want to be one of those. Although I have to confess, I flew from Nashville to NYC w/ Katie Couric a few months ago and I just couldn't help but google a little over her-- she has cute little feet :)

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Wow, that's reminds me of seeing Hole in concert back in 1998 *dream music plays*
I went with a group of mates, one of my mates was a smart arse, and snuck into the mosh pit area before the concert.
After the concert, we found her outside. We were so jealous that she got to be in the mosh pit. But! she had been kicked out. A security guard found her without a ticket and kicked her out.
She never saw the concert!
So when I heard this, I got really mad and we started hunting for this security guard. We found him standing at a door around the side of the concert hall. Just before I was about to march up and abuse him, the doors burst open and out came all of the band members!!!!
I have Courtney Loves signature on a bank receipt.
I got Eric to sign my McDonalds cup. And my mate that got kicked out actually got a kiss and a hug from Courtney.
Later that night, we were out hitting the nite clubs in Brisbane. We found this cool little bar, tucked away in a side street. The entire band was there, partying on. I slung a few beers back with Eric. Was a cool night!

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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I met Moby years ago. I introduced my dog to him (named Moby). He thought it was the coolest that I named my dog after him. At the time I didn't realize how into Animal Rights he was. It explains the reaction. Was a very cool concert. Boy, he's much shorter than I thought he was.

At the airline we see celebrities passing through once in awhile. Muhamed Ali travels on us periodicly out of Michicgan. And I swear that I saw Ron Jeremy in the line at McDonald's one time. Go figure.


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i used to work at a ritz carlton hotel and i have met many "stars" and they are mostly rude jerks even when people are not buggin them for something. ray leota(sp) was very cool though, but lars(drummer from metallica) was such a jerk and so rude we left him at a topless bar because he was pissing off all the girls. met many celebs and sports stars..............friday night i was at the gym watching the half time show of patrick euwing(sp) and he was on tv smiling and talking......well, in 95 i was doing some work in the bathroom of his room and he came in and started yelling at me, pointing his finger in my face and he had his other fist balled up as if he was going to hit me. it was ugly, but, i had my hand on the knife i carried on my belt and i would have gutted him like a pig if he had gone any further! the next night he was caught getting head from some dumb white girl in an empty meeting room! funny! rock stars too......getty lee, kurt cobain and his nasty wife, bobby brown and a bunch more.:)

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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There is a time and a place...during dinner generally isn't it. But Dad always signs whenever he's asked; he'd just rather it be when he's coming or going, not with a mouthful of food. He gets a lot of stares, and sometimes they look at me as if to ask..."is that?" and I nod.

Giving an autograph makes my Dad smile. He gets a huge kick out of it. 'Course, no-one's gonna name a dog after him, and he's not a rock star or anything. But being "recognized" makes his day.

My Pop rawks.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Having been backstage for 20 years and now running the place my policy has always been don't speak unless spoken to. It's a professional thing.
Still, spent an afternoon chatting with Cary Grant and helped Carol Burnett create a schtick for the opening of a show. Pretty cool gig.
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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Delta Burke and her dong were on one of my flights years ago when Designing Women was first on. Flew the Cowboys out of DFW once...LOUD. Took a flight of Secret Service for Reagan to LA once. OMG...how many SS does it take to have a good time? An airbus full. B|

Also saw several country artists locally. Kenny Chesney, Wade Hayes, Rhett Akins and Mark Wills.

Most everyone was personable when approached politely.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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