
Playdate with the Sky

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Today is a fun day. Today, I am all about fun, fun, and more fun. My goal is to see how many times I can laugh and smile and screw around...no stress, no angst, no pressure. I have a playdate with the sky...

Off to Elsinore I go...driving through the hills of Los Angeles, I notice how green and lush the ground is becoming, dotted with sporadic bursts of the yellows, purples, and silvers of first blooming flowers. It has been rainy recently, and the result of the dreary cold rain is this glorious panoply of colors and green, so much green...trailing away into the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Stuck in traffic, I open the sunroof...and while it's very cold, I look straight up into the blue, that peculiar light blue color which heralds a late winter day. It's waiting for me, that sky, and I will come there, and play, dance, and smile.

I make it out to Elsinore, and Glen meets me there. I am ordering a jumpsuit, and wanted the support, so he has gone out of his way to hold my hand on this purchase. And while I know he's bored, he is helpful and considerate, and makes me laugh. While Kama is measuring me, he kindly turns his back as the tape measure is placed in some decidedly "delicate areas"...he looks at the sky, and I know he wants to go there. But he and I are going to Perris to jump. We're trading favors - he's here for me in Elsinore, and I promised him a year ago I'd fly with him, and today I will - at Perris...

11 am, the sky is now screaming at us to come play - play now, but I need to make a few business calls...and borrow Glen's cel phone to do so. And 30 minutes later and two calls later, we are on the road, driving down a twisty road, through a part of my state which I've never seen before, and again I am struck by the simplicity of renewal, of eager flowers and green grass, bravely challenging the winter, pushing back the chill of January and heralding the softness of April.

Arriving at Perris, I get gear rented and out to the packing area. I say hi to some folk, and manifest Glen and myself on a load. I will, as promised, try a sit jump today. I have no idea if it'll work, if I'm ready for this, but who cares...I have 7500 feet to recover if I screw that up. At least, that's what I tell myself. Time to go, get geared up, start breathing really badly, and Glen looks at me. "Trying out your La Maz breathing, chickie?" he grins. 'I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll be fine" I chant, trying to convince myself and him that I will be. I know that whatever happens in the air, I will be fine...I know where my belly is...it's just the part before that I have trouble with.

Mockup, sort out the exit - knees together and rock out gently...and now into the plane, and it's really crowded. Full load. I've got Vinnie to my left and Glen to my right, Fritz across the way. These are all good people...and I shut my eyes and try to breathe normally. Thoughts swirl through my head..."A sit fly? You stupid stupid girl. You can't fly...let alone sit in the air. You are gonna lose it" and so I tell myself to shut up already, and try to shut down my head. I picture myself whacking Airweenie over the head, putting her away...like the weasel game at Chuck E Cheese...thwackbonk every time a stray fear comes rumbling through...whacksmash...and now it's jump run. Lots of people go, and now, as I approach the door, the light goes out. O.K., go around. I hold the bar and sort of lean, trying to see where we are, and can feel the plane turn. My bottom is stuck out behind me, and Fritz whacks it...I turn to look, and he mouths "door", and I can't figure out what he means. I check the light, thinking maybe I missed something, but no, it's still out. The only thing which crosses my mind is Jessica and her skyvan door drama, and then Glen is reaching for the door, and shutting it. "D'oh!" is what passes through my empty head, and I sheepishly grin at Fritz. "Sorry" mouthes me...and now it's green light, and I climb out, and Glen is there, our knees are locked and we're staring at each other and he has the count and out in out and we let go...dropping out of the plane, no effort, just dropping...

And I promptly grab glen's shoulders, and he's got his arms out behind him, and we start to spin. He makes a big gesture with his arms, and I realize I'm supposed to not have grabbed him - my arms need to be out and back...so I throw them there, but that only makes the spin worse and I can feel the centrifugal force pulling at us and I tighten my legs on him, hard, muscles bunched and taut...and so are his...and it's not working, we just stop wobbling and spin faster. And I'm laughing, and he's grinning, and he waves Bye and lets go and I flop around, not even as good as flail but simply flop and roll to my belly and stabilize on my column of air, no chipping, no sliding, straight down...and Glen whizzes past me in a sit, and I decide well, I'll try this again...and push my legs forward and immediately backloop...and I'm laughing and this shit is fun and now it's 6 and I shouldn't try this again and then it's delopyment time and I reach, pull and voila there it is, my spectre and out of the corner of my eye I see Glen deploying as he snivels past me a ways off and I crane my head over and watch him, and then I am under a full canopy and I look for him and there he is and his canopy is all good and I look out to the east...

And there, in the distance, is the snowcapped mountains, green and lush fields below and around me, and the foothills are ripe with spring. The coolness of the air I dance through touches me, the silver half-moon in the sky winks at me. And there is the balance of the seasons and symbol of balance of the day and night spread for me, just for me, this moment, this breath, simply for me, and I let out a whooooop! And glide through this treasure, this beauty....

And forget to plan out my landing...as I get onto final and go to full flight, I see my landing spot. Water, mud, mud, or water...damnit. Sigh...no hope, it's gonna be yucky. How yucky remains to be seen...and now it's time to flare, and I flare, and manage to bleed off most of the speed and as I touch down I think "oh this is alright" and then I am skidding through the mud and am facedown in it. I scramble to my feet, and clamber out of the mud, laughing hysterically. It's been so long since I've played in the mud that I had forgotten you sink into it...and it's grabbing my shoes, and threatening me with filth, and I get back to something which is supportive and get my canopy out of the mud and into my hands and I trudge back through the mud, sinking and slipping and sliding and cackling with laughter - I've got my arms raised over my head so I don't get the canopy in the mud, but my shoes are being sucked off my feet... out, back, and packed...shoes into water, washed off, feet cold and wet.

Time to go again...and this time, Airweenie doesn't show up as badly. Glen is patting my knee, reassuring me, and I am feeling better about all of this but me feet are really really cold...green light, and this time, I have the count...and out in out and my arms are shoved back hard and we almost get there, and I am able to feel one spin start and counter it somehow, but then lose it again, and we are starting to spin, so Glen waves bye again and I am onto my belly at 9. But this is supposed to be a sit-jump, so I figure why not, and thrust my feet in front and backloop...back to belly. Again, feet front and this time get my arms back, and it's like I am in a poolchair - very laid back, and starting to tilt sideways. So I tilt all the way over, back to my belly. O.K., slowly, how do I do this...and try again...and bring my legs around like I was doing the splits although not quite, and as my legs come forward I get my arms moving back - and then sort of rock my hips back behind my legs and I am sitting....not gracefully, not well, and not long...but I am sitting...I start to laugh as I tumble out and onto my belly, and it's close to pulltime, so I try to slow down a little bit...wave off, reach and deploy, and again have the pleasure of seeing Glen about 100 feet away deploying. I watch him as long as I can, and then pop the brakes and start flying back to the DZ...it's kind of long, I've taken a long time in the door, but no problems making it back...just no playing.

And as I cruise north through the shimmering day, my canopy keeps trying to turn right. I become aware of this gradually...I've been thinking I'm cross wind or something, but no, I realize my left leg is really high - the leg strap has crept down from my crotch and is about in the middle of my left thigh. My body weight is shifting the canopy. I try to push down my left leg, but that doesn't help very much. And as I consider whether I should drop the toggles and try to adjust the strap, I realize that I would have to lean forward, which means loosening the chest strap and actually leaning forward at 2,000 feet and immediately rule that out and just bring the left toggle slightly lower to counter the tilt...

And this time, as I land, cockeyed in the harness, I've at least managed to make it to the student circle...which looks dry. I set up well, and now, flare, smooooooothly and gently, and despite being weird in in the harness I am able to touch down but I can't stand it up and so fall to my knees...and the student circle is dry, all right, but hard as a rock...they haven't plowed it for a while...but it's all good...

On my feet, back out to the grass strip, and I meet up with Glen...and I am amped, shaking, exhilarated, thrilled..."I did it" I exclaim, and he laughs..."Didja see it? Did I really do it? Did ya? Did I" I pester him with questions as he grins and nods..."Yes, Michele, you did...for a moment. But that's all it is at first - a moment...Damn, you were going really fast...I was trying to catch you! And how the hell were you trying to get there the last time? That looked painful"...and with his confirmation, I start jumping around, grinning. I did it...not pretty, not well, not long...but it was no accident, and I DID IT!!!!

What a fantastic time. What a fantastic day.

I haven't felt so stupidly happy in a long time. No pressure, no worries about passing/failing, no worries about coaching and debriefing. No worries, just me in the sky playing with a friend, watching the seasons change in a way few ever see.

I am a blessed lady. Indeed I am.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Nice post Michele
reading through i almost felt as if i was there with you all :)like you i have just gone over to the darkside
but god its fun
seem to spend more time unstable than stable
but i always land with a big grin :)i just need lots more practice
but what the hell spring is here at last
time for some more fun

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard.

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FF, FS, it's all good.

Don't you just love the feeling of learning? Of accomplishment? All it takes is time.

Not much longer, and Airweenie will be gone for good. You don't need to be perfect, you just need to enjoy the jumps yourself.


Oh, by the way, that was your first sit..... You know what that means....
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Oh, by the way, that was your first sit..... You know what that means....

Um, not exactly. It was my first intentional sit. I did one accidently once when I was chipping so badly that I chipped right up into a sit...LOL!

Fine. Beer it is. Taking orders now...


Don't you just love the feeling of learning? Of accomplishment? All it takes is time.

Totally. I think that's why I was jumping around, grinning...and Glen was soooooo fun to play with. Totally supportive and postivite feedback-ish. Wayyyyyyyy fun. No, I'm not on the dark side...but it's fun to be trying it all out.

I have a weird bruise on my thigh from that adventuresome legstrap, though...Sigh...someday, when I manage to get my own gear, that won't be happening as much...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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So what did you finally order?

I played with my sit some Sunday too. I really suck at it big time but it is fun all the same. Glad you whacked Airweenie!:P

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Don't you just love the feeling of learning? Of accomplishment? All it takes is time.

Totally. I think that's why I was jumping around, grinning...and Glen was soooooo fun to play with. Totally supportive and postivite feedback-ish.
Wayyyyyyyy fun.
No, I'm not on the dark side...but it's fun to be trying it all out.

Yes the DARK SIDE is mysterious,before you know it you will be a full on apprentice from which there is no return. Untill you are enveloped by the truely dark who's name shall only be spoken in whispers. The C R E W ( shhhhhhh) .

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Isn't that door scary????

The first time I ever was in the van, they opened it when I wasn't looking...and it was like the back of the plane fell off or something. yes, Jess, it is scary. You are not alone in your drama! LOL!!! I just hope I can someday figure out the T/O door and not have door drama, or Fritz whacking my bottom, with it...:)


that have severe ground poisoning due to not living in california!

LOL, I've had severe financial poisoning. What's worse, being in So CA and not being able to afford to jump, or being in IL and not having the weather to jump...but being able to afford it...?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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The C R E W ( shhhhhhh) .

Those downplanes were fun to watch...and them hooting and hollering made it seem like it would be fun.

Of course, how many of you could actually see Airweenie intentionally doing CRW, despite being invited to??



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Beautiful post Michele!:)Heehee, I played in a Casa this weekend...ran from the front to the back holding hands with my coach, we flipped 2 forward flips and then got stable! Chased her around the sky for a bit for a couple of docks.
Next day my first 4 way that funneled all over the place but still a GREAT laugh! Last one was backflips out that door...Gosh, I loveeeee looking out when we are climbing!B|B|B| There is nothing like it! I tried a "T"...nice spin out after it but got another chance before pulling...not too bad~
I actually cheered to myself when I drove up on Saturday afternoon and saw the Casa! WOO HOO! This sport is phenomenal!:)Many smiles to you for getting to jump and hope to make it out there soon!


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I have a weird bruise on my thigh from that adventuresome legstrap, though...Sigh...someday, when I manage to get my own gear, that won't be happening as much...

Michele, try using a pull-up cord to tie the leg-straps together. I've seen freefliers who do have their own gear doing this. It should help to keep them in place.

Congrats on getting in a sit, but more especially, on having so much fun! :)

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