
If Iraq is shown to have ties to 9-11 would you support going in w/o the UN

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I am so bored with this already I say we hit the big red reset button and start humanity all over....

(of course I am just being an ass. I dont want or like war but I dont like or want 1000's of our civilians killed either)
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I dont want or like war but I dont like or want 1000's of our civilians killed either

I agree but starting a War will create more terrorism in the US than finding a solution without War. But that is only my point of view.

Renaud SMA #9
"Mind is like parachute. It only functions when it's open."

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well there is that fear..and it is a valid one..but terrorists are terrorists.

they arent gonna play nice b/c we asked them to.
they WILL attack us if they want to.
they wont attack BECAUSE we struck them! y'know?;)

catch22, i guess!

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well there is that fear..and it is a valid one..but terrorists are terrorists.

they arent gonna play nice b/c we asked them to.
they WILL attack us if they want to.
they wont attack BECAUSE we struck them! y'know?;)

It will make no difference if we attack them or not,they will always hate us and will stop at nothing to attempt to destroy us.We must hit Iraq because it will at least eliminate 1 avenue for these idiots to obtain some nasty stuff.
Who cares about the UN.They are just a bunch of communist,bed wetting third world puppets.We support them in everyway,shoot we even house them.I say we pull out,and then the french and the russians will lose any "world power" status that they deem to have.Also they will lose (deservingly) there oil contracts too.

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>.I say we pull out,and then the french and the russians will lose any
> "world power" status that they deem to have.Also they will lose
>(deservingly) there oil contracts too.

Damn right! They're standing in the way of the US empire. The emperor will _not_ be pleased.

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Let me step up on my soap box for just a second...

Hussain is a "A" number one bad person... WHY? Because he kills his own people with methods he wants to make sure work on us, AMERICANS.

The same people who enjoy the freedom of believing "War" is not the way to go, are the same people that believe it's OK (as a foriegn student) to turn their backs on OUR flag in protest. If that BITCH were in her own CUNTrey she's be flogged and left to the vultures. But NOT here in America where the freedom to protest your flag is protected but the desire to receipt the "Pleadge the Alegance" in schools deemed "unconstitutional". I love my country, and as a verteran of 23 years, many of which was flying and protecting the 34th paralell for you stupid SOB's NOt willing to fight and die for your freedom, just pisses me right the fuck off.

For all you passifists sitting there with your new fancy rigs, with your Stilletos and Purdy looking jump suits, hoping we don't go to war cause your affraid it may hinder your summer jump schedules.... READ A PAPER!!! This insane AMERAICAN hater wants to KILL YOU and EVERYTHING you stand for!

And you morons do not understand why war is nessecasry! Let me put it in terms you may understand.... never mind,,, I'm too GD digusted!


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>This insane AMERAICAN hater wants to KILL YOU and EVERYTHING you stand for!

I think you may have been listening to Rush a little too much. Hussein is a very bad man, and there are indeed good reasons to make sure he is incapable of waging war, one way or another. Claiming that he's going to kill us all, and that he hates all americans, is a little silly. He will do whatever it takes to stay in power, and that has included being pro-american. We used to be pals back when he was fighting Iraq for us - remember that?

And cut it out with the foul language.

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If your insulted by my freedom to speak my mind by my "language" you are to "politically correct" for this forum. Try the Mr. Rogers, neighborhood coloring page.

I Lost 4 of my best friends in 1990 gulf war detering that mad mad, one of those men flew with me!

That man is a AWEOME manipulator, he's got Englands Prime Misister thinking now at the same time he's using chemical weapons on his own in house prisoners to see how affective they are! *and has obviously got you believing he's not a bad guy!)

If your offended by my language, strap on a "G" suit and come for a ride, see what I've seen, wipe the tears from the the faces of the kids who's Dads DID not come home in 1991. Unless your willing to do that DO NOT get on your GD horse to me!

Via con dios.... and Blue Skies.. (seriously)


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I re-read your post and you actually said "He will do whatever it takes to stay in power, and that has included being pro-american."

Are you a GD (abreviated so you wouldn't find it to offensive) idoit? You actually had the balls to put the words "Sadam" and "Pro-American" in the same sentenence? He'd subject your 3 year old daughther to nerve gas with you watching if he had the chance! I've seen it! I know!

I do love my country and my flag... but I do now understand the term, "Going Postal"


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I was a proponent for this war... once. However, the actions of our President have steered me otherwise.

I have one question for all of you Pro-war mongers...

What about Libya? Remember that country? Remember how many people that country killed?

Why haven't we annihilated them? Yes, we bombed some palaces... But why not more? Ask your stupid, conservative representatives that question. Please. Do so. See how far you get in finding out the answer.

Don't be fools. Wake up now.

An American Patriot.

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In part.....For more than four decades, the American people have been told that U.S. interventionism was motivated by the Soviet threat, whether in Guatemala in 1954, or the Dominican Republic in 1965, or Chile in 1973, or Nicaragua in the 1980s. No matter how irrelevant the Soviet role was, the Moscow monster served as a convenient excuse for policies in fact driven by the interests of those who own the dominant economic institutions and of their allies in the government.

In the current new "post-Cold War" era, with the Soviet withdrawal from international competition with the United States, the Bolshevik bogey is simply no longer convincing. The real motives for U.S. interventionism haven't changed, but new excuses for intervention have to be found.

In 1989 alone, the United States employed military force three times -- shooting down Libyan planes, neutralizing the Philippine air force during an anti-Aquino coup attempt, and, of course, invading Panama. (U.S. troops were also poised to intervene in El Salvador during the FMLN offensive in November.) The anti-Soviet rationale was not credible in any of these instances, but other excuses came readily to hand: Third World provocation and terrorism, the protection of democracy, and stopping the flow of drugs. The excuses were lame, but they were apparently sufficiently compelling to many Americans. If we are to combat U.S. interventionism in the future, we will need to combat the new rationalizations.

One of the major U.S. targets during those years -- and a likely candidate in years to come -- has been Libya. To many Americans, Libyan craziness, particularly that of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, is a self-evident cause for U.S. anxiety. Even before the U.S. took military action against this North African nation, there seemed no doubt that Libyans hated America. Why?

For starters, there is Muslim fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is one of humanity's most primitive and dangerous impulses, though, of course, Muslims have no monopoly on it, and many U.S. commentators seem to forget their critique of even Muslim "fanaticism" when it is allied with their government (as in Afghanistan) or used by "friendly" governments against communists (as in Indonesia in 1965) or against other trouble- makers (as in the West Bank and Gaza where Israeli authorities promote the fundamentalist Hamas against the PLO).

But fundamentalism is far from the whole story. Libya was not Ayatollah Khomeini's Iran. The proclaimed ideals of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi borrow as much from Rousseau as from Muslim thinkers, and he is much better understood as a secular, rather than a religious. The real source of the Libyan antagonism toward the United States can be found in the history of the relationship between the two countries.


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Your attempt is nothing but feeble. Don't copy some psychological text, something of which you do not have the brain power to deduce, in order to *try* and defeat someone. You are not the U.S. Government. However, your attempt has proven you arrogant, and nothing more. You lose, G Dubya.

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Lockerbie, 1988, Libvya brought down a Jumbo which could quite easliy have hit a major Scottish city.
Nevertheless, they managed to kill 270 people.

Libya has admitted complicity in the act, and are prepared to pay some money to make things better again, which I find sickening.

see here..

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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You posted a couple back,
"What about Libya? Remember that country? Remember how many people that country killed?"

Well I remember, vividly, I was surprised and perturbed when I read the article I linked to. So much for 'not dealing with terrorists'. And I also believe the trial of the actual bombers was a sham.

In "the war on Terror" who says we get to choose which "terrorists" we go after?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Cool... However, what is the definition of terrorist? That I do not know. I can look it up, but I'd rather you give me the definition. And after you do so, supply me with the incidents, outside of Iraq, which qualifies Iraq as a "terrorist organisation."

I am not saying you cannot do so. I just want to hear it from you.

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