
To Jump or not to Jump...

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I have this friend, who is taking an anti coagulant medication and his Dr's are telling him, "No participation in dangerous activities Sports."

I keep telling him the, "what ifs ?" stuff and he keeps telling me he's a skillful skydiver and he'll just be more careful!!

I'm done arguing with this guy, so if he wants to jump, God bless him. Am I just being anal, or would most people agree with him and just jump anyway?
I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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If I were him, I would ask my doctor WHY he doesn't want me to jump, then I'd make my own decisions.

Many wise people do things their doctors would prefer they didn't, but it's an idiot who completely ignores it.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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taking an anti coagulant medication

A problem being able to stop bleeding is a pretty good reason to listen to the doctor.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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If your friend owned his own DZ and stuff I'd say sure. Problem is if something should happen it's not just your friend that's at risk. The skydiving operation, spectators, other jumpers, etc... Sounds like maybe your friend should hold off until the Dr's give him the thumbs up.

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I have this friend, who is taking an anti coagulant medication and his Dr's are telling him, "No participation in dangerous activities Sports."

by sarge.

. . . and then . . .


If I were him, I would ask my doctor WHY he doesn't want me to jump, then I'd make my own decisions.

by AndyMan.

The problem is if he were to break or cut something, he's essentially in the same boat as a person with hemophilia -- that is to say, he's not going to stop bleeding and things just aren't going to heal right. If at all. Even something normally considered to be minor could be fatal.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Being on an anticoagulant might be risky, with the least little bump. It's much easier to bruise and if injured you would bleed a lot more and maybe even internally without knowing. I definitely would get some clarification from the Dr. or just delay jumping.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Yeah, I totally agree.

He says it's a relatively small dose he's taking and that the recommendations by the Doctors are rather more generic and generally addressed to patients taking more powerful doses...

He's probably at more risk than someone not taking the drug though is my opinion, like Quade says if something happens.

The other thing he says is that there are no euphoric side effects that would otherwise make it illegal to jump. I trust this guy, but jumping is already inhernetly dangerous enough, isn't it? I'm sure he'd be fine by himself but as we all know you can't account for the weird shit others may pull out of their hat on you...
I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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Sort of depends on whether he gets a bleeding injury, doesn't it ? If he does, he's in trouble. If not, what's the BFD ? Listening to doctors is a real two edged sword. You should, in a perfect world, be able to trust and rely on your doctor and work with your doctor for the sake of your health. But a lot of doctors are just opinionated and prejudiced pricks like anyone else, except they went to med school, have a license to practice, and an attitude the size of their boat. Plenty of doctors don't think anyone should skydive under any circumstances and would lock us on the psych ward if they could.

Your friend's an adult. If you really think he's making a mistake, go ahead and tell him - once. And then tell him you respect his righht to choose. Then drop it.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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but jumping is already inhernetly dangerous enough, isn't it? I'm sure he'd be fine by himself but as we all know you can't account for the weird shit others may pull out of their hat on you...

Sarge, I know you care, and that is admirable. But I think you are going a bit far. You are not his mother. As a friend quickly and politely let your opinion be known, then support HIS decision.

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Seriously! In the same way I totally respect what your saying. Its his call... but... We are seeing something different in the stats though?

Theres no cost to post in the poll? seems like a lot of people have a hard time with this one though, cause it's a black-n'white vote.

Maybe there should be a "maybe" column???
I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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*** "You are not his mother"

What if this young man is under Sarge's command? You don't understand the nature of military Blue Monster. Sarge may have alot of authority over this man's life. He doesn't want to dispense the wrong advice and get his troop hurt.

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My husband is on anticoagulants. The Dentist won't even clean his teeth unless he is off of them for 2 days prior. Granted, Sarge can reiterate the dangers, but the decision is the jumpers, might not be a wise decision. If he should land hard, he could bleed internally and not know it right away. Maybe this person should thoroughly discuss this with more than one authority, then see if the consensus is the same.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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