Sodomy is legal...

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Ya know, I would, but I'm not proud to be gay, so I will be finding something else to do that day.

WAIT A TICK!!! I mean, I'm not gay, so I won't be attending.

yeah...that's what I meant...


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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yeah, after all, the BIG BROTHER KNOWS what is best for each and every state.
Why would a state be allowed to make it's own laws, that apply to each individual state (MEDICAL MARIJUANA) ???
After all, Uncle Sam controls every state, right? So, what the government says is correct?
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Yes, Jesus said Love your brother...he did not say marry him

Please... I was talking about YOU loving your brother. You not being judgemental.... but obviously you can't help but condemn people which is most definitely not your place in this world. Why don't you be a goo d Christian and help those in need.....those suffering......that's what Christians do...not being arrogant and self- rightous.


You'd lose your bet. Fundamentalist Baptist all 71 years of my life

That was my second guess.....

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Sodomy is pretty much anything that a southern baptist would deem immoral. That includes fellatio as well as fudge packing (as dove so eloquently put it).

Seems our chuteless friend, as well as all the others who spend so much time opposing things that are none of their business, would do well to get sodomized occasionally. Nice tension reliever, and a good distraction from less important things, too.***

I think it is wrong. If to men want to use butt F%^&ing as a tension reliever be my guest. I could think of 1000 different ways to relieve tension. Puff Puff Pass for starters. Just keep it to your self.

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