
just curious:)

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I was wondering if anyone knows of any site's that show the effects of skydiving on your kidneys? I went skydiving on the 21 and have been in bed for a week. my kidneys hurt.[:/] Went to the dr. he gave me cipro 500 to take once a day and his nurse told me that it maybe from skydiving. I was diagnosed with Vesicoureteral Reflux at the age of three. Anyone else ever have any problems with kidney pain after skydiving? "Personally I dont agree with her" I thought it might be wise if i asked you guys & girls though:)

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The only pain I've ever encountered with my kidneys is the morning after a long night of drinking capt. and coke!... (J/K)

I've never heard of anyone having problems with their kidneys from skydiving other than the above mentioned.

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i guess it could be from the opening shock. But i have never had any pain other than being sore from packing.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I'm not a doctor, so I just read up quick on Vesicoureteral Reflux.

Unless your rig is punching you in the kidneys all the way down, what that nurse said does not appear to be logical.

My 2 cents worth... I thinks she's on crack. I would ask the DOCTOR to explain the logic behind the theory.

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I am guessing this was your first tandem, right? Could be just coincidental and totally unrelated. If you happened to get pregnant this week you wouldn't make a correlation to your skydive. Then again, some of those tandem masters.....:P

Fall in dove.

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I think maybe a second opinion would be a better idea than asking us. ;)

Yes a second opinion would be an excellent idea, BUT checking to see if other skydivers have had the same issue is very wise on her part. It would be very helpful to be able to say "No other skydivers that I have spoken to have ever had sore kidneys... So why exactly do you think skydiving is the cause of my sore kidneys?"

Always remember a doctor's diagnosis is an OPINION. Make them explain and justify it, come armed with information to dispute or confirm the opinion they may give.

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It would be very helpful to be able to say "No other skydivers that I have spoken to have ever had sore kidneys... So why exactly do you think skydiving is the cause of my sore kidneys?"

I didn't think about that angle,
as most of the skydivers i know sold the "spare" and the other one is riddled with alchohol damage. ;)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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I was diagnosed with Vesicoureteral Reflux at the age of three.

I think that I'm going to cry. I myself have 2 chronic illnesses that I have had for about 13 years of my life. It's funny, but most people have no idea that I have these conditions. It's really embarrassing, but I am "outing" myself. I have endometriosis and interstitial cystistis (I struggle to urinate fully every time I go as my body will not release it. My urologist say that my bladder basically destoys itself. It's VERY painful.) However, unlike others that are unable to function in every day life, I push myself to try things that are physically challenging for anyone, like skydiving.

Your health condition, like mine, is very, very tricky and out of your control. There are things that the average person may be able to do that may be VERY difficult and painful for you or me, but they CAN be done to a certain point. People do not realize how difficult this can be because we have problems with something that is a daily natural function that others take for granted.

Please PM me anytime as I understand your pain. [:/] Our difficulties are far greater than they appear as immune disorders have no mercy on our bodies. I have major swelling and internal bleeding from lesions (or bleed when I "go" to urinate). I am in pain every second of my life, but my body has become acclimated to this. You probably also have a high pain threshold. Just know your boundaries.

I have to recommend that you establish for yourself what your body can physically handle. When I first began to have problems at the age of 19, it was so hard for me. All I did was go through my rigorous college schedule, and when I wasn't in class or doing my homework, I tried to rest in bed as much as possible. Now, I am better able to handle my health problems, but I still have to know when to stop. I am not supposed to drive long distance (although I drive at least 1 1/2 hours to my DZ) and sit ("sit-flying hurts"), bend-over or squat (no packing), or carry too much weight (AFF was difficult as the rig weighed 1/2 my total body weight).

You know, stress causes flare-ups, so I was constantly getting sick when I first began to skydive. This may be what happened to you. There is very little that I could find about your illness, so you have to decide what you should do for yourself. I did an AFF1 as my first skydive, so I know about stress. Also, I do not know if you are on daily meds, but I realized pretty quickly that I cannot take my daily medication until I am done skydiving for the day. Some meds can cause you to be incredibly sleepy which may not go away in the air. (I know personally.:( )

It is a VERY difficult, but this is how much I LOVE skydiving. To say that I am sacrificing a little is an understatement. However, it is worth it. I hope that if you think that you want to go on and learn to skydive, that you make the decision based on what YOU BELIEVE that you can do. Your health condition can only rule part of your life, you can always take back some of the power over your body.

Skydiving is a very mental sport. We can fly because we believe it.
This applies to you and me, too. Acceptance of our conditions and working with what we have makes it possible to incorporate skydiving into our lives.

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This may be totally off base but I was just thinking about this...

I'm primarily a freeflier and only do RW every once in a while. If you think about it, you use a different set of muscles when you belly fly as opposed to RW. The point is, I don't arch much any more and having done some RW yesterday (without a jumpsuit no less) and my lower back is a bit sore today from using them lower muscles, right in the general area of where the kidneys are. I couldn't say if one is caused by the other or what, but I just thought I'd mention it.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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my lower back is a bit sore today from using them lower muscles, right in the general area of where the kidneys are.

Wow! I have experienced this before, and I asssumed it affected me more than others due to my health condition. I really think that SkyNangel is affected more because of her health problems, too. It is good to know that others have felt this, too.

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Could have been that no suiter trying to keep up with you though

hmmm... I DO recall mentioning something about a FAST fallrate ;) So is that why Jim was gonna make me wear a long sleeve shirt? LOL

oh, and in case I didn't mention it, THANKS for the jump :)
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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haha okay! Ive made another Dr. appointment but they cant get me in until sept 9th :( lol Im an impatient person... I might have to ask around and find a Dr. who's gone skydiving to talk to.. :S

Go to any other Med center.
I have had openings that were so hard they tore cross-ports inside the canopy and gave me bleeding bruises (I weigh 204) and NO kidney probs.
Doctors that do not jump may be thrown off from "Skydiving" like a whuffo and you could have a splinter in you foot, they still think the jumping may be the cause.:S I would question their competency.
p.s. I love that Anime Angel---Avatar of your's
I'm concidering an embriodery of Arch Angel on my next rig.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I am posting one more time, in case there is anyone else with a similar problem who needs questions answered. I often feel so alone when I go through my medical problems. I hope that no one else feels this way.

Our cases are quite special, Lorrie, so I am thinking that you did get this from jumping. It was the physical and mental combo that did it. However, I also have physical difficulties from working too hard at my usual job, but I am not going to quit working, right? I must have surgeries once a year for the rest of my life, but that will not stop me from trying to live normally. Please do not let this problem stop you from trying to jump again.

Your body may be able to handle it if you rest a lot before and afterwards. It may become acclimated a little better. You will also feel more calm and relaxed when skydiving with more experience. There may be a way for you to not end up in the hospital or in bed for a week. I will share with you what my experiences are, OK? Let's help each other. :)

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Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. Its comforting to know that Im not the only one whos had these problems:) Ill never give up!! even though all Ive done is one tandem is such a blast:) seeing the mountains and green valleys from the air was just breath taking. :)

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