
Revisionist History

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Nice article. Unlike most of the leftist articles I read about the President, instead of dripping venom profusely without making any factual statements, this one makes some quite valid points.

It's piqued my interest with regards to the Nazi sabateur training and the assassination of the mayor of Aachen - can't say as I know much about either. Calls for some reading on my part.

Revisionist history is disgusting no matter whom the culprit. This article mentions it, but though it's used as a political attack in this case, the revisionism going on in the textbook-writing realm of America is truly alarming when you look at it. From the little perspective I have seen and read, some of our fundamental values and historical events are being removed from the curricula completely. I've read a few articles on such and found it quite sad.

A recent form of revisionist history from the left came from AlGore himself: 'My father took heat for voting for the Civil Rights Act of 1964' (that's a paraphrase, but pretty damned close). His father voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act. Revisionism sux- regardless of who does it.

Ahhhhh....I'm so glad I'm a libertarian.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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perhaps, but not as much as electing a draft dodger over a WWII Naval Aviator....or nominating someone for the presidency who donned a soiled uniform and threw his ribbons over a fence at a march in protest of a war in which he served...
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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>perhaps, but not as much as electing a draft dodger over a WWII Naval Aviator . .

Hmm, a draft dodger over a guy who was AWOL for much of his service? Not so clear a choice there.

>or nominating someone for the presidency who donned a soiled
>uniform and threw his ribbons over a fence at a march in protest of a
> war in which he served...

Instead we elected someone who desecrates the flag to get votes.

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Hmm, a draft dodger over a guy who was AWOL for much of his service? Not so clear a choice there.

GWB ran against El Jefe Clintonista? When did this happen? In some parallel universe where CNN is unbiased perhaps? Or was it the parallel universe where AlGore's daddy DID vote FOR the Civil Rights Act of '64?

Instead we elected someone who desecrates the flag to get votes.

The link doesn't display a pic for me. I don't know what pic you're talking about here.:S Please resend - I'd like to see it.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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>perhaps, but not as much as electing a draft dodger over a WWII Naval Aviator . .

Hmm, a draft dodger over a guy who was AWOL for much of his service? Not so clear a choice there.

The allegations of W's service have never fully held water, and the supposed "documents" on the web saying so, do not indicate anything, other than various "assignments".


>or nominating someone for the presidency who donned a soiled
>uniform and threw his ribbons over a fence at a march in protest of a
> war in which he served...

Instead we elected someone who desecrates the flag to get votes.

The Republic will survive, despite the action. While I do not agree with any type of defacing of the flag, I do not believe anyone should be prevented from doing to it what they wish (freedom of expression, etc.).
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I see that after vilifying the UN for months, the Bush administration is now actively seeking UN help in the occupation of Iraq. Better some foreign boys get shot or blown up, I guess.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Fucking Liars...and even trying to compare post wwII Western Europe with the illegal occupation of Iraq is an insult to veterans everywhere

What is so different? Werewolf or not, there were snipers in Berlin for a long time after the surrender. Unless you're talking about the reasons we are occupying.....
I started skydiving for the money and the chicks. Oh, wait.

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I see that after vilifying the UN for months, the Bush administration is now actively seeking UN help in the occupation of Iraq. Better some foreign boys get shot or blown up, I guess.

Yeah, I almost blew my milk through my nose when I read that in USA Today this morning. Shows to me that the US was really good in showing muscle and blowing up some people and buildings. Not so good in teh actiual difficult part of putting the country back together.

The UN was pretty much useless according to Bush and his cronies. Now they are running to them for help.

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