
Sex question

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I've had a modified bikini cut apendectomy, and two vertical c- sections. My tummy looks like my bottom, I actually have a crack in front and back. The muscles in my tummy will never be flat and perfect again, but all my insides are just fine. I had two great little babies, albeit in a HUGE hurry, hence the ugly scars. The scars were a little extra sensitive at first, and they are raised and rather hard now. They run from my belly button to my pelvic bone, so they are significant. If I had a digital camera, I would send you a picture. I am not particularly shy, or self conscious, but if I were, they could be an issue. Don't sweat the small stuff, make her feel like you are making love to HER not her individual body parts and I guarantee you, all will go well. I would suggest that you not dwell on the c section issue, there are so many other things that are important to a relationship, and to great sex, that the c section shouldn't even be a part of it. See a previous thread in the womens forum, where I talk about one of the nicest things my husband has ever done for me.
btw, other men who have seen me naked have never fled in disgust either, so it isn't just that Dave is desensitized to my hideous scars.
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Don't wanna be an ass but have you consider if she was trying to tell you something? Lke some kind of sexual disease c-sections are also performed so the baby don't get the disease at birth, sorry if I'm being an ass[:/]

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This is just something I saw on TV a long time ago, I'm not sure how much truth there is to it.

They said that some women that have had surgeries that require an abdominal incision lose the ability to orgasm or having difficultly doing so. They said it had something to do with how the nerves healed. I'm not exactly sure why or how or even exactly what procedure was performed.

I'm not saying that this is the case here, but after reading the thread that story popped into my head.
Don't read to much into this, I'm sure I saw this on some Dateline type show and it was a story on just a few women.

Whatever the problem is I'm sure you'll get through it, you seem like a really understanding guy.

Good luck!!!

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Why dont you just ask her what she means? Shes divulged this much information, I'm sure if you seem sensitive to her concerns she would tell you.
Otherwise, youre just going to have a bunch of guesses from a bunch of skydivers. And now we all want to know what she means, even though its none of our business.

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