
Byron Boogie countdown and rollcall.. woohoo!

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There's going to be a ton of folks from Lodi. Gareth is doing kind of a warm-up for the 60-ways that are coming up in Lodi the second week in October.

I just checked the list of people that are going to be at the boogie, if we include Gareth (also a dz.com poster) we have 40 people! That should make an interesting record attempt right?

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Multiplane......oooooh yeah........that would be a nice record.....very very nice.......Saturday mid-morning-early afternoonish?

We'll have to talk to manifest though, multiplane loads can really back up the loads if it's busy. We might have to do it early in the morning Saturday or something.. And figure out if Gareth is available to help out...

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I just got a response from Gareth:


I'd be happy to organize a flat fly dz.com jump for anyone that would be interested. It would have to be done as a first or last load of the day I would expect, as otherwise, too many people would have to sit around waitng for everyone else to get into rotation. I'll go as big as makes sense depending on who I have for experience. There's no point in organizing a drop.zone zoo. Just ask who wants to be on it and I'll see what I can do.

I guess this means, if you want in, be there early! I am going to start a new thread for signups..


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Hey Marc! Good to see you posting! I know we can't have enough pictures of you, here's another!

Marc is a head-down and swooping phenom. Farrah is a RW coach and very fast sitflier.

Farrah is in the front left. The photo is when I sat in the back of the plane to get a picture, and stalled it ;) (just kidding)

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Planted the sockets.... very nice.

I finished manufacturing the swoop course last night. Four orange blades, eight yellow lane markers, and two orange center flags. All brand new zp material!

I will be in Byron tonight setting up the course.

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Nice! You do that and we're going to have the boogie-bag-making, cioppino-eating, wine-drinking soiree at the garden house..

Hope this one doesn't end up being a naked hottub party like last time.. I think the boogie bags are paper! ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Hope this one doesn't end up being a naked hottub party like last time ;)

yeah...those type of parties suck!

I know.. last time i had to dry off two hot young thangs in my bed with the leftover birthday cake.. Oh.. wait.. we were dry.. how'd we end up licking cake off each other in the bed then? Ya gain so much weight with those cake-licking parties.. :S
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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OK, here's how this will have to work if it's going to try to be a formation load. It's not really possible to do these during the jumping day at a googie, because we'll wind up having to sit 30 or more people down for hours to get everybody on the same rotation, and then wait longer to get planes together, brief pilots, dirt dive etc. The best way to do these dives is to take all the tickets one day, and manifest the jump as the first (or last) load of the day. The first is much better, as you're not rushing for planes, and everybody can cut loose afterwards and do their own thing. I'd say take the tickets Saturday, and get load one for Sunday. I know that might not please everyone, but it's about the best way to ensure that we have people, planes and time to dirt dive before we go up. If this is going to be some people's first attempt at a large formation load, we don't want to have extra pressures put on the group by rushing it.

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Sounds good, Garreth.. but we only need a 16-way.. I think we can all fit in one plane.. unless we are using the King Air and the 206.. :S

and, Rosa, I think a googie is what they call a boogie in England.. :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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