
"I Admired Hitler" - Schwarzenegger

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Asked who his heroes are, he answered, "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."

He is quoted as saying he wished he could have an experience, "like Hitler in the Nuremberg stadium. And have all those people scream at you and just being total agreement whatever you say."

To be fair, he said this years ago, but still . . . what an asshole!

Oh -this- is gonna be fun!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Arnold is a good man. Better than these sleazy "journalists" who try to find any way possible to trash a person and their reputation.

Anyone with half a brain will realize that that is taken out of context, and should not equate Arnold's and Hitler's ideologies.

In fact, many scholars and historians will tell you that Hitler was an amazing leader. He was charasmatic, powerful, and had a way of motivating people that is very rare. Don't get me wrong, Hitler's ideologies were plain fucked up and he never deserved to live. However, using a comment like that against Arnold is just another ploy by these bed wetting liberals that are scared to shit that they are losing power all across America.

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... he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power... for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it.... ...have all those people scream at you and just being total agreement whatever you say.

While I in no way condone what Hitler did, you can't deny that he rose to become a powerful and charismatic leader [of a country that was in turmoil.] To be the kind of leader that generates a passion like that in his followers really is impressive, irrespective of how sick and twisted his was or how he did it.

I don't think you can read anything more into what he said back in 1975!

You also conveniently omitted Arnolds reply:

"I cannot remember any of these," Schwarzenegger told ABCNEWS. "All I can tell you is that I despise everything Hitler stood for. I despise everything the Nazis stood for, everything the Third Reich stood for."

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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1975 or not, in context or out of context, a person can NOT say anything like that and try to lead a life politic without it biting him in the ass.

He should have had the good sense early on to remember this and should have turned down any support from the Republicans.

It's fairly well known that Schwarzenegger's father was a Nazi storm trooper. This isn't just someting that the "liberal media" dug up, but is a fact.

The natural fear is that if the son made statements of any nature that could even be remotely construed as Pro-Nazi (and I'm pretty sure this qualifies), then the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree and clearly he's not fit for office. Not now, not in California.

Is it -fair- to bring up stuff somebody said more than 25 years ago?

In this case, yeah, I think it is.

Go re-read that quote and really ask yourself if he admired the man solely for his public speaking skills. Be honest.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You know, Oscar Schindler was a card carrying Nazi too. Ummm....some have a nice opinion of what he did though he started out as a war profiter. Hmmmmmmm......

Quade, I think you are reaching with this. I don't want Arnold to become the next governor of California and I don't even live there. But, I just can't see using this against him unless he made statements further saying that all that Hitler did was just neeto. I don't think that he believes that though.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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Is it -fair- to bring up stuff somebody said more than 25 years ago?

Unless you're a Kennedy, well, except for Arnold.


He should have had the good sense early on to remember this and should have turned down any support from the Republicans.

Why does it matter?


The natural fear is that if the son made statements of any nature that could even be remotely be construed as Pro-Nazi (and I'm pretty sure this qualifies), then clearly he's not fit for office.

"natural fear?" sins of the father? -- I call bullshit

Am I not fit to lead because today, I can defend every word he was quoted as saying?

I think the reason many good people don't have any desire to hold public office is because every asshole on the other side is going to be in search of past bullshit to dredge up. It's unfortunate.
I also think it's funny that in court you generally can't hold convictions older than 10 years against a witness, but you can almost triple it in the court of liberal opinion.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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It's fairly well known that Schwarzenegger's father was a Nazi storm trooper.

So your using Arnold's father against him? How would you like to be denied anything in life because of your ancestory? What if your great grandfather owned slaves? I don't know your family background, and I don't care. Like I said.. it *is* a liberal ploy to try to slander Arnold's good name. I don't think it matters one bit what Arnold's father did. We are talking about Arnold, not his father, his uncle, or his next door neighbor.

First of all, are you going to tell all these historians and scholars that they are Jewish hating Nazi's because they say Hitler was a good leader? No, why would you? You have nothing to gain or lose by slandering some college professor. These liberals are looking for any piece of trash they can use against Arnold.

I'm sure someone can find something YOU said that can be used against you. Your saying you never even hinted at something that could be considered racial or sexist by someone wanting to trash your name? What Arnold said is an educated opinion shared by MANY people. Liberals take it out of context and make it sensationalistic story. Look! Arnold is a Nazi! Gimme a fucking break.


The natural fear is that if the son made statements of any nature that could even be remotely be construed as Pro-Nazi then clearly he's not fit for office. Not now, not in California.

Thats one of the most obsurd statements I've heard. I dont think thats at all fair, and not even relevant here. Not one single bit. First of all, throw that father shit out the window. Any person with 1/8th of a brain knows that father and son are NOT a like. Using ancestory as an automatic disqualifier is something HITLER would do, not an American.

Second of all, again, your down-right equating Hitler's and Arnold's ideologies. Which is absurd and not fair one bit.

You want to be fair. Then stop bashing the man's good name.

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I'm sure someone can find something YOU said that can be used against you.

I'm not running to be the leader of the 5th largest economy and one of the most ethicnally and religiously diverse parts of the planet.

Schwarzenegger is.

Look, -I'm- not saying all of this is exactly fair, but then again, NONE of this process is. If Schwarzenegger knew this statement was in his past, then he should have had the good sense to know it was going to come back at this point in the election. Stuff like this -always- does and it's a tool that BOTH sides use.

At the top of the thread I said it's going to be fun and by that I meant to watch in the media and the reactions of both the right and left. Some people seem to think -I- personally am using this to attack Schwarzenegger, but that's not the case.

I personally think there are a lot of other very good reasons to not want him in office. This, to me, is mearly amusing to watch and incredibly stupid for him to have said and not remembered.

BTW, it -does- sort of make you wonder about the Republican vetting process though. Who the heck did the background check on Schwarzenegger anyway?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I personally think there are a lot of other very good reasons to not want him in office. This, to me, is mearly amusing to watch and incredibly stupid for him to have said and not remembered.

Yah, and taking this tactic can seriously backfire in my opinion. Stick to the issues. I don't see this as one issue that was worth making a deal over. But, trying to divert everyone's attention by bringing it up may only piss people off because they see through it. Not smart.

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But, trying to divert everyone's attention by bringing it up may only piss people off because they see through it. Not smart.

Time will tell. This only broke today and I'm pretty sure it's going to freekin' explode tomorrow.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I personally think there are a lot of other very good reasons to not want him in office. This, to me, is mearly amusing to watch and incredibly stupid for him to have said and not remembered.

Damn, I have problems recalling things I said last year. Is it really that terrible if he did forget something he said 25+ years ago?

I guess I will never be able to run for office, seeing as though my father, at least at one time, could definitely have been considered a racist.


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I think this is just the political equivalent of a "late hit" in football. Just save all the mudslinging until its too late for the victim to properly and thoroughly respond. Gotta love the media.

- Paul
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Depends on your situation.

So far some folks in this thread have said some pretty interesting things about fathers and sons. Sins not being revisted et al.

There IS precident for both points of view. Just look at some of the leaders around the world and I think you'll see that yes, sometimes power does, in fact, get handed down from generation to generation and not always by the good guys.

As to your or my fitness to run for office, I guess it all depends on what -we- think, but if anyone thinks for a minute that a father -doesn't- have an influence on his son's thinking, then that just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not saying it's always good or bad, but -clearly- there will be an influence.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Hold on a minute, the media didn't think this one up. They may have had to dig for it, but it definately existed prior to anyone ever thinking Schwarzenegger would even be in major movies, let alone run for office.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The natural fear is that if the son made statements of any nature that could even be remotely construed as Pro-Nazi (and I'm pretty sure this qualifies), then the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree and clearly he's not fit for office. Not now, not in California.

For all the press you can find showing Schwarzeneggar having a father that was a member of the Nazi party (by the way, they have linked no crimes to his father), you can find equal amount of information about Arnold's attempts to find out his father's role in Austria. His dad, Gustov, was a police chief. He was born after WWII (1947).


1975 or not, in context or out of context, a person can NOT say anything like that and try to lead a life politic without it biting him in the ass.

Why? Look at what Clinton said, "I did not inhale" and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ... These issues bit him in the ass, and he stayed in office (albeit impeached) and there are still many with the delusion that he was a good President and still has a popular following.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Why? Look at what Clinton said, "I did not inhale" and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ... These issues bit him in the ass, and he stayed in office (albeit impeached) and there are still many with the delusion that he was a good President and still has a popular following.

Exactly! BTW, I was sort of hoping you'd find some more damaging quotes from further in his past that the Republicans had lambasted him for saying . . . none of which come close to the gaff Schwarzenegger made.


His dad, Gustov, was a police chief. He was born after WWII (1947).

His dad was born in 1947? ;) J/K ;) Got URL for the father as police chief thing?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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As to your or my fitness to run for office, I guess it all depends on what -we- think, but if anyone thinks for a minute that a father -doesn't- have an influence on his son's thinking, then that just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not saying it's always good or bad, but -clearly- there will be an influence.

I agree with that statement. However, what I don't agree with is your mentality that it is okay to be judged purely on heritage and your family's background. I don't think Arnold has shown one bit of Nazism or hate or anything that could be construed as such. Ofcourse you will argue that his statement 25 years ago proves that he is a Nazi. But that won't hold much water with just about anybody, and certainly not me.

Would it be fair for me to judge everything I think about you based on what your father did? Sure.. father's and son's sometimes think alike. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes neighbors think alike. All I'm saying is, that father bullshit needs to be thrown out all together.

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Hold on a minute, the media didn't think this one up. They may have had to dig for it, but it definately existed prior to anyone ever thinking Schwarzenegger would even be in major movies, let alone run for office.

Yes they, the mainstream liberal media, dredged it up and deployed it right on time in an attempt to trip Arnold. You can bet the LA Times will have it on the front page tomorrow.

You know, the LA Times: the paper with two front page stories today about Arnold grabbing boobs and bra straps (mostly from anonymous sources); the paper that never once covered the very credible Clinton/Broderick rape charge.

. . =(_8^(1)

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... I think you'll see that yes, sometimes power does, in fact, get handed down from generation to generation and not always by the good guys.

Um, isn't handing down power (can you say Saddam to Qusay & Uday?) a little different than the present action?

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Ofcourse you will argue that his statement 25 years ago proves that he is a Nazi.

Oh no.

I'll simply say that he admired Hitler in 1975 and leave it at that and let his quasi-racist statements about Native American Californians and Latinos stand for his views of today.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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