
HELP!! after-hours in deland?

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I've never been to deland for mroe than a daytrip, so i'm curious, what's the atmosphere like after-hours? If there a good social / beer / bonfire type thing that goes on, or does it clear out after sunset like some places?

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It doesn't clear out right at sunset, but it does usually clear out by the time the bar closes around 9 unless something special is going on. The thing is, most people live very close to the dz, so they just go home or go to each other's houses.
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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Not a whole lotta night life in Deland. People will usually stick around until the mosquitos start biting it seems, but then it's off to bed/home for most. I was invited to do karaoke (sp?) one night, so there must be something somewhere. I haven't personally seen it. Daytona is about 30 mi away, there's gotta be something to do there.

Z-hills seems to be more party like after dark, i've hung out there til midnight before. It's fun, the bar at the dz stays open late. Never spent any weeknights there, tho. Not sure how far the nearest offsite party spot is, i've never had to really leave the dz, haha.

Sebastian is cool, too, but like Deland, after the mosquitos come out, people leave the dz. Most people migrate to Hiram's sand bar which is pretty cool and opened late, and not very far from the dz. It's pretty fun there:)


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You know, that where to sleep thing is going to be a little problem for me, too! :P (whispering so skybytch doesn't hear) maybe we could collaborate on the liberation of the drop shop keys!

Operation distract and acquire?! ;)

Hmmm...thought to self....why is it every time I'm in sebastian the drinking gets out of hand? Oh, wait...never mind...that's just me! :P
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Sebastian is cool, too, but like Deland, after the mosquitos come out, people leave the dz. Most people migrate to Hiram's sand bar which is pretty cool and opened late, and not very far from the dz. It's pretty fun there:)


Buy some OFF! ya Wimps. We were out till just before sunrise Sunday morning at SDC;) I even DD Heather! (wow, this is post #666)
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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Hey now. That's my home you're talkin' about. >:(

Oops! :oYou're right....ummmm...well, I was just...ya know...planning on keeping Molly company....you know, so she doesn't get.....ahem....lonely? (backtracking as fast as I can! ;))
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Deland is a college town, and there is a few local bars that get pretty busy in town. Also Daytona is 20 min away and there is a ton to do there. The real place to go is Orlando, it isnt that far, Ive done the trip 100 times, but you do need a DD because its a long drive back, not sober. As far as DZ after hours, they pretty much are non existent, unless one of the many parties they have each year is going on. In the winter when its actually cold enough to stand a bonfire their usually is a late night hang out going on, but as everyone said, in the summer its hot and full of mosquitos so no one is hanging outside. Hope that helps.

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yeah, it's really the winter season i'm concerned with. I'm ranch jumper in the summer and have visited zhills in the winter, and people tend to hang out on the dz at both places, i'm wondering if it'll be similar in deland.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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nope. it's not the same.

IMO, that's the one thing that is truly lacking at Deland. the skydiving is outstanding, the caliber of skydiver there is amazing (ALL disciplines: FF, RW, WS, swoopers, etc). it's a shame that there is very little post-sunset mingling going on.

z-hills definitely has it for that field...hands down. but then again, how could anyone NOT love hanging out in paul's bar? that's where a good chunk of what you learn about skydiving goes on anyway...over a talking to other skydivers.

again, love both dzs, but for the socializing, it's zhills.


p.s. sebastian's tiki-bar isn't exactly shabby either. B|

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but then again, how could anyone NOT love hanging out in paul's bar? that's where a good chunk of what you learn about skydiving goes on anyway...over a talking to other skydivers.

Starting to drift from the Deland party topic, but I thought that this was worth mentioning. I've learned at least as much hanging out after hours and talking to other skydivers as I have from hanging out during the day. To those of you who choose to leave when the beer light comes on, you really don't know what you're missing.

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all these posts about nite life afterwards....zhills always fun on most weekends, and I am totally spoiled by Pauls $2 bottles of Stella Artois (and most other imports), orlando has some good music on occasion at hard rock cafe or house of blues, but tampa Ybor City (30 min from zhills) rocks for blocks!

my only experience at deland was that manifest closed so early that even with a rockin' bbq afterwards, we could still get back to ze hills for sunset load!!! and hang out and blow off some fireworks in front of the swoop pond...

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