
My Totally Shitty Day

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Today started like any other, I got up let the dogs out, got showered and dressed for work. Left for work about 5:30 AM just in time to see all the drunks leaving the strip clubs by my house and wondering how many of them would legally pass a breathalizer.

I get to work and I receive a message that my load is going to be a half hour late. I figure its no big deal, I hop in the bunk for another half hour of sleep. An hour and a half later i finally get the message that the other driver is here, so i'm pissed off enough already. Get the load and its 2000 pounds overweight. Call my boss and he gives me another.

I finally get to Indianapolis 2 hours late get my return load and start heading back home to St. Louis. Im diving along watching traffic, listening to football scores etc.. At this point im 30 miles west of Indianapolis when some jackoff in a mini-van (no offense lisa) decides to make a u-turn in the median at 60 MPH. The woman in behind this asshole slams into the back of him and I slam on the brakes to try to avoid hitting her. Well, when you're gross weight is 76,000 pounds, you're not going to stop on a dime. I hit the back of the little truck and push her off the road into the median.

Can you believe the the jackoff in the mini-van had the balls to finish his turn and flee from the scene? But what he didnt realize is that I was already on my cell phone with the highway patrol and had his license plate number. BUT wait kids, it gets even better!! The trooper calls the plate number in and turns out that the plate does not match the vehicle.
So here goes 2 hours giving statements to the highway patrol and my company.

I finally get back underway and drive through the rest of Indiana and all but 10 miles of Illinois when i get pulled into a scalehouse and come to find out that the load that I was carrying is 3000 pounds overwight so i get slapped with a $300.00 fine for being overweight. I finally get in my car and get to the gas station to buy some beer ( i figure that i deserve it) and theyre out of Sam Adams. So i go another 5 miles out of my way and get myself a 12 pack of that fine boston lager and here i sit pounding away they keys on my keyboard like there's no tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me vent!

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Well, you're home sipping (or guzzling) Sam Adams. That's goodness. Other than that, dang, that kind of sucked, didn't it?

Hope tommorrow's better.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wow! My hat's off to you, friend. I would have...well, I don't know WHAT I would have done, but it would have been less diplomatic, that's for certain. ;)
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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you had to pay the overload fine?that sucks why didnt the company pay it?didnt they know it was overweight?dont they weigh the axles? i would have tried to blame it on slamming on the brakes when the asshole caused all the shit to happen in the road.oh well glad you are safe.blues.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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