
Paratroopers were somewhat more likely than other soldiers to have had a head injury before joining the army.

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I didn't have any head injuries before going to jump school at Benning, but it's a wonder more folks didn't end up with severe brain injury. For almost 60 years paratroopers jumped with a steel pot on there head. No kidding. It had a plastic liner and webbing inside, but it just didn't work too well when you cracked the back of your head on the ground. I don't know much about the knew kevlar helmets, but I'd bet they are better than the old ones.....Steve1

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Look, having said that all volunteers deserve our admiration and respect, only a propellor-head would be surprised to discover that the folks that further volunteered to be airborne troopers were more likely to get their melons cracked than other types of soldiers.


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I wonder if Paratroopers can out drink most other military personel as well? B|

There's this one that has to take his ball-gag out first...

Bwahahahahahha good one bro...ill remember to take it out.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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