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I'm sitting here, really freak'n hungry and all I want to eat is a Freebirds Burrito. They don't open for another hour and 15 minutes (11am central). Aggghghhhhh

Oh, well, atleast I got to jump the Beech this weekend.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Its my reward to myself for spending nearly 5 hours yesterday custom fabing a hitch setup for the golf-cart and welding it to the frame. Why did it take that long? Because I over built it, so it would be bullet proof.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Monster Carts staring AggieDave, NEW to the WB this Fall!

It would have been really easy, but I didn't know we had 220 in the hanger, so I didn't bring Ben's Arc welder...ended up gas welding all of it (which takes for fucking ever).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Oh, well, atleast I got to jump the Beech this weekend.

Okay, explain to me why it's a good thing to jump from a Beech.
The drop zone that I learned at and did close to 200 jumps at had a Beech 18. It was cold, noisy, and slow. Not to mention the amount of oil that hit the front float. I was so glad when a King Air was brought into the state. Sorry, you won't see me waiting in line to buy a jump ticket for a Beech.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Wrong kind of Beech.

We have a Beech 99, its like a low-wing Otter, or an oversized King Air (King Airs are made by Beech as well). The door is actually larger then an Otter's door and the tail is farther away then a King-Air. Jump run speeds are slower then a King-Airs as well.

I for one HATE jumping King Airs, but I like our Beech 99.

Follow the link in my sig-line, you'll find pics.


Its a twin Turbine, PT-6-20s on it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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well, you only have another half hour left. I also wanted to reward myself this morning when i left the doctors office, so i went to popeye's chicken and they dont open up till 1030 CST so i left and went to krispy creme!! mmmm krispy kreme

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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If you don't know what a Freebird's World Burrito is, then you've not really had a burrito, all you have had are lame jokes (that includes chapolte's burritos, they SUCK compared to Freebirds).B|

Nope. Never been there, but it sounds Fk'in good! All I can get around here is Chipotle, but it works for me. I had one of those damn things every day last week (chicken with that "hot" sauce) yummy.

Have you been to Rosario's in San Antonio? I haven't tried a burrito there, but they have some insanely excellent tacos...with a lime/cabbage/guac topping and roasted salsa. :)
Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking. If you cheat, cheat death. If you steal, steal a woman's heart. If you fight, fight for a brother. If you drink, drink with me.

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I'm sitting here, really freak'n hungry and all I want to eat is a Freebirds Burrito. They don't open for another hour and 15 minutes (11am central). Aggghghhhhh

Oh, well, atleast I got to jump the Beech this weekend.B|

Oh poor you. I don't have burritos anywhere in my neighbourhood. But question: How did you end up with your parachute? Have you made a decision about the design?? It was you wasn't it who loves green and black and couldn't decide??

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