
Canopy choice for Demonstrations and flag jumps.

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Mike, I love my Navigator and monster Silhouette for the flag jumps/demos. Ask Lob to take the 260 sometime or borrow my 240. Airtwardo and Sparky have given me some really helpful tips/guidance. Go bigger than you'd think, IMO.

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I am currently shopping for gear to do demonstrations and flag jumps. I'm looking for a good all around canopy that will be sutable for level 2 and stadium jumps. I would love to hear what other here are using.

Canopies that "Sink" good into stadiums and tight level two fields as well as provide a good platform for flying medium to smaller drop flags are the line of canopies made by Flight Concepts International.

The Sharpchuter (245 square feet), Star Trak I and II (265 and 290 square feet) are all used by most of the Military and several Civilian Demo Teams.

If I was buying another Demo Canopy I would get another ST II from FCI.

I have several thousand jumps under the FCI Canopies and hundreds of Stadium Landings with them. They are solid in the breaks and hold firm in turbulence. They also do very well with medium sized drop flags (up to 2500 square feet has been what I flew under the 290).

Drop flags look best when flown slow. The FCI Canopies can do that with a little brake input and not lose altitude any faster than in full flight.

Feel free to ask more.

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Velo 90...it looks way cooler swooping than floating in under a huge accuracy canopy

Damn, does it EVER!! Saw a guy do a BAD ASS swoop and blindman on a Velo into a rodeo arena. The best part was when he hit the chutes on the end. :D

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Velo 90...it looks way cooler swooping than floating in under a huge accuracy canopy

Damn, does it EVER!! Saw a guy do a BAD ASS swoop and blindman on a Velo into a rodeo arena. The best part was when he hit the chutes on the end. :D

Yeah, several years ago I saw a vid on youtube of a demo, I think it was 6 jumpers, 4 under Hi-perf wings. The hi-perf dudes all ran out of space and went long, all the while "in contact" with the ground. First time I ever saw "The Superman". I am not sure if these where under control.

Shortly there after I started seeing the 7711-1's having verbage that literally banned the "Hook turn" on a demo.

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Thanks for the info Spot. I'll reach out to Airtwardo and Sparky and then bug you to use the your 240. didnt realize you had one on hand next to your 30 some wingsuits.

Only 30? ;)

You'd be surprised what's hiding out around this place.

The flag jump here was done with the Silhouette 190, and this canopy is too small for my weight and the weight of the two flags (two small for the bigger flag alone). This is why I suggest considering larger (you weigh more than me, I think).

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The Sharpchuter (245 square feet), Star Trak I and II (265 and 290 square feet) are all used by most of the Military and several Civilian Demo Teams.

So they prefer that old F-111 stuff? Or are those canopies also made in ZP? (eg, Mantas are available in ZP too these days.)

I would think - but don't know - that demo jumpers would also be using big Triathlons or other even more modern ZP 7 cells. Tho' some don't go up to the really big sizes.

(For the little demos I do, when there's limited room, I pull out my old F-111 Maverick, so I'm not against F-111.)

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i've been using my base canopies for tight display jumps or huge flags.
they fly nice and slow, sink awesome and pack pretty small compared to acuracy canopies.
with the new ultralight fabric you can get a 260 or 280 that will pack tiny. base canopies that is. check apex base.

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The Sharpchuter (245 square feet), Star Trak I and II (265 and 290 square feet) are all used by most of the Military and several Civilian Demo Teams.

So they prefer that old F-111 stuff? Or are those canopies also made in ZP? (eg, Mantas are available in ZP too these days.)

I would think - but don't know - that demo jumpers would also be using big Triathlons or other even more modern ZP 7 cells. Tho' some don't go up to the really big sizes.

(For the little demos I do, when there's limited room, I pull out my old F-111 Maverick, so I'm not against F-111.)

Yeah they tend to use the old tried and true F-111 type stuff for this very specific type of skydiving.;) But you can get the Canopies with ZP top skin. I have jumped a few and they are just as solid in the brakes, a little better glide ratio and longevity.

Demo's are not a normal weekend skydive, as you know, and no single canopy can do all the OP is asking, but several can do most of what is is asking very well and in the right hands the others things safely too.

That last this is just a "toss it out there comment" no directed at ya, Chap!

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I have a 265 Cloud that my dad jumped in the 90s. my rigger said the reserve is beyond its servicable life of 20 years. Its a a Flight Consepts Orion 215. I would love to jump what I have sitting here but if the reserve cant be packed then I may be looking to piece something else together. Any feedback on service life of reserves?

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I have a 265 Cloud that my dad jumped in the 90s. my rigger said the reserve is beyond its servicable life of 20 years. Its a a Flight Consepts Orion 215. I would love to jump what I have sitting here but if the reserve cant be packed then I may be looking to piece something else together. Any feedback on service life of reserves?

My feedback would be don't use one beyond the Manufacturer's Stated Standards, they have the TSO for them.

As for using a FCI Reserve, they are fine reserves. I have saved my self from my main packing errors a few times with FCI reserves. I have a 175 in my sport rig, used it once, fly and landed awesome. When I was on a Mil Team we had Spartchuter 245-R's and Furry 220-R's, I have aired one each out. Same deal flew and landed great.

There are a few used Star Trak's and FCI reserves in the Classifieds. Check them out or call Red directly Mon through Thur to ask about a Demo.

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The Orion was from Para-Flite I thought.
So sort that question out first.

There's no 20 year limit in the US. (Just some round parachute companies have put life limits on their reserves.) Short answer is that some riggers may as a personal choice prefer not to pack older reserves.

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The 245 Sharpchuter makes a great demo canopy and can handle a flag up to 600 sq. ft. On todays market the price is great. The reason demo jumpers tend to with canopies made from F-111 type material is no one makes a big fat 7 cell with separated stabilizers that will sink straight down out of ZP that I know of.



http://i397.photobucket.com/albums/pp55/mjosparky/Skydiving/parachuteflagjumper4-2.jpg ;)

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The Orion was from Para-Flite I thought.
So sort that question out first.

There's no 20 year limit in the US. (Just some round parachute companies have put life limits on their reserves.) Short answer is that some riggers may as a personal choice prefer not to pack older reserves.


To add to your comment ...
Most round reserves got "lifed" at 20 years in an effort to permanently ground all the round reserves that were affected by the acid mesh recalls of the late 1980s.

The other problem was stupid, fat, white men over-loading round reserves that were certified in the low-speed category of TSO C23B.

Did I just offend a minority group?
Stupid, fat white guys are rapidly becoming a minority in Vancouver.
I refuse to apoligize, if I hurt the delicate ego of anyone STUPID enough to over-load any reserve, round or square.

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Canopies that "Sink" good into stadiums and tight level two fields as well as provide a good platform for flying medium to smaller drop flags are the line of canopies made by Flight Concepts International.

The Sharpchuter (245 square feet), Star Trak I and II (265 and 290 square feet) are all used by most of the Military and several Civilian Demo Teams.

If I was buying another Demo Canopy I would get another ST II from FCI.

All of this +1


I have several about a thousand jumps under the FCI Canopies and hundreds about a hundred of Stadium Landings with them. They are solid in the breaks and hold firm in turbulence. They also do very well with medium sized drop flags (up to 2500 square feet has been what I flew under the 290).

And all of that (with minor corrections to apply to me).
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I have a 265 Cloud that my dad jumped in the 90s. my rigger said the reserve is beyond its serviceable life of 20 years. Its a a Flight Concepts Orion 215. I would love to jump what I have sitting here but if the reserve cant be packed then I may be looking to piece something else together. Any feedback on service life of reserves?

Yeah...get a reserve that isn't beyond it's service life! ;)

Also, the 260 Cloud...which was the best demo canopy (IMHO) of it's day, may also be too tired for what you need.

F1-11 canopies tend to lose life even sitting in a closet, I've got a 25 year old 260 Excalibur with 16 jumps on it that opens slower than a Unit 3, & comes down faster than a cheerleaders panties on prom night.

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Thanks for the insight on the old f-111. I'm going to be getting up to date gear in the next couple months. I'll most likely be piecing it together as my budget allows. Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it.

Another pearl of wisdom from an old demo jumper...remember to size your reserve purchase with the thoughts of the extra weight you 'may' be carrying as well as the need to land someplace with very marginal outs. ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Thanks for the insight on the old f-111. I'm going to be getting up to date gear in the next couple months. I'll most likely be piecing it together as my budget allows. Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it.

Another pearl of wisdom from an old demo jumper...remember to size your reserve purchase with the thoughts of the extra weight you 'may' be carrying as well as the need to land someplace with very marginal outs. ;)

Very GOOD advice!

Having a Star Trak 290 then chopping to a 150-r is gonna really change the wing loading if you 30lbs of accoutrements on!

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