What is 05?

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Seriously. I wanna know. I don't wear that sh$t personally but it's bugging me. There has to be an answer and you guys seem to know everything. Zup?

Come on. What you got?

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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I'm wearing a Ralph Lauren sweater that has a "67" on it, which I think is the year he formed his company. Maybe "05" means something like that. Hey, I know...maybe it means in 2005 they'll finally make clothes that are attractive! :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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from http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fubu

fubu 43 votes

(n) Hiphop clothing company founded in 1992. FUBU is an acronym for "For Us, By Us", referring to the founders purpose: clothes designed by African-Americans for African-Americans. Many items from the clothing line display the number "05", which stands for the five childhood friends from Queens who founded the company. In an interview with HarlemLive, Carl Brown and Keith Perrin of FUBU state: "There were five of us all out of Queens, we grew up together as friends and remained friends. With $5,000 seed money we were able to start our business." In 1999 FUBU reported an annual turnover of about $350 million. "Under the FUBU is a guru" -- Common (The 6th Sense 2000)

The number 05 is a trademark of FUBU, and is otherwise meaningless.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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(n) Hiphop clothing company founded in 1992. FUBU is an acronym for "For Us, By Us",
referring to the founders purpose: clothes designed by African-Americans for
African-Americans. Many items from the clothing line display the number "05", which stands for
the five childhood friends from Queens who founded the company. In an interview
with HarlemLive, Carl Brown and Keith Perrin of FUBU state: "There were five of us
all out of Queens, we grew up together as friends and remained friends. With
$5,000 seed money we were able to start our business." In 1999 FUBU reported an annual
turnover of about $350 million. "Under the FUBU is a guru" -- Common (The 6th Sense

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Ok, so who can tell me what the "Remember" bumper stickers with the piece of wheat under them mean?


I think they are trying to say.
Remember. Beer had food value. Food does not have beer value.[:/]
Bottomless Beers and Blue Skies!

* Brother_Brian *
D.S.W.F.S.B. #2

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I'm wearing a Ralph Lauren sweater that has a "67" on it, which I think is the year he formed his company.


If he'd have formed it two years later....:P

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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