
Tonight's South Park

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Who saw tonight's South Park?

There is a scene where the boys are all in a Cessna, and the pilot has to bail because of a malfunction...the plane crashes, and the boys walk away.

The episode itself is hilarious too.



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I've always admired South Park's ability to turn around their programs in an incredibly short amount of time.

Tonight was very good for putting it together in -at most- about 72 hours.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Wasn't over yet in Indiana either. :P

I just saw that skydiving scene and decided I better get busy before I got Ivanized a few minutes later. ;)

I thought the episode was hilarious. Great way to end the season. I am blown away by the writing talent of Trey and Matt. Honestly...they had Saddam getting captured in the episode...what was that? Four days ago?



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Well.. what do you expect when they are using the same edint programs that put Jurassic Park together? Almost 0 render time and the program fills in a lot of the frames so they only have to animate every couple.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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The Writing is genuis, and they have a way of coming from concept to story board faster then any other show that I've heard of. The Music... well thats always been a staple of the show. Blame Canada.... ;)
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Mr Garrison:Eric how would you like to go see the school counselor?

Cartman: How would you like to lick my balls?

Mr Garrison: What did you say?!!!

Cartman: What I said was How would you like to lick my balls....Mr. Garrison??!!!

That is by far the funniest South Park scene ever....
The primary purpose of the Armed Forces is to prepare for and to prevail in combat should the need arise.

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Ok, actually the funniest South Park scene ever wasn't even on an episode . . . it was on the MTV Movie Awards . . .

It was the thing where they were making fun of all the movies of the year past, and John Travolta shows up with all of the "Battlefield Earth" looking people, and Stan says, "Look! It's John Travolta, and the Church of Scientology!". Then John hands out personality tests. Freakin' HYSTERICAL!!!! :D:D:D


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I personally like the snow beast guy who had celery stalk arms and a Patrick Duffy leg, that always said, "Hi, kids. I'm TV's Patrick Duffy." Crack my ass up!!


That would be Scuzz-O-Butt. The one who lives up on the mountain and weaves wicker baskets.

The ending last night was hilarious!
"I am the prime minister of Canada. Ignore the guy behind the curtains. He is just my friend.
OK, I give up. I want to negotiate."


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Mr Garrison:Eric how would you like to go see the school counselor?

Cartman: How would you like to lick my balls?

Mr Garrison: What did you say?!!!

Cartman: What I said was How would you like to lick my balls....Mr. Garrison??!!!

What did Garrison tell Ms. Chokesondick to reply?

"Present them"

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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