
Excited wuffo

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This morning I had to visit the lumber yard for what else lumber. Wile loading the truck the guy helping me saw my USPA sticker on the rear window. He excitedly asked if I was a skydiver. When I answered yes he got more excited and started asking questions. I answered in a kind of mater of fact way I didn't want to act like I knew it all. He went on to say that he was planing to jump this comming summer and couldn't wait. Apparently he knows a jumper because he was asking about the beer laws and other lesser known facts of the sport. When I was loaded and he signed my recipt I wished him a Merry Christmas and to that he replied "same to you and blue skies" with a thums up as I drove away.

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Please provide said dude with all the info needed to jump in your area.....lets convert all the heathens we can;)

I have had many many ppl say they wanted to come play in the sky....very few actually do it.....but for the 1 in 30 that actually come and jump...its worth it to see the look on there face and experiance your 1st jump all over again .......priceless.

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Other than playing in the sky myself the best thing about being at the DZ is seeing the tandems come off the landing area. No one shows more joy than them.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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