
Christmas Boogie at Z-Hills wrapping up

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Great week and thanks to everyone that showe dup. as of yesterday, we were over 7000 jumps for the boogie, more than 500 people came through the dropzone.

The weather has been nothing short of near perfect.

But mostly thanks to our customers for coming out and hope everyone had a great time,

I am tired, taking a couple days off....

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We had a great time at zhills, sure was nice to get those days off during the week to hang out with ya! And definitely one of my favorite NewYearsEve Parties of all time! B|
Kudos should also go to Janine, who kept us well fed day and nite, those dinners were great!:ph34r:

I have got to get a trailer at the dz, too many drives back and forth over 2 weeks! :o

Don't forget to post the Zhills jumps info: Over 65000 jumps in 2003.....As you say "Doing our part for the Ozone layer":P....

I will try to double my jump numbers in 2004...like hearing that, huh?:P


"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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Kelly -

Glad I got to meet you if only for a few minutes before you hop-n-popped out! If it wasn't for your avatar I would never have recognized you! And even still I wasn't totally sure. So many dz.commers were there that I never met cause I don't know what they look like and I'm always on the freefly porch packing or running to the plane.:S You looked very happy though. Hope you achieved all the goals you set out to!:)

Fall in dove.

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Jumped my ASS off!

That would be a crime....Don't do that or I will have to spank you (please?)!!!!
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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way to build a bonfire!

nice that the fireworks were outdoors this year... :ph34r:


That bonfire was HUGE! I can't believe the benches almost started on fire just from the heat.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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A good time was definitely had by all. That is for sure.

I am not positive but no major injuries that I am aware of.

Almost 50 total night jumps were made on the 31ST some of those into the 1ST. A total of three Otter Loads.

C'mon now if you post on here lets' keep this thread alive.

Eloy may have been fun but it was cold.

At least Florida was Sunny with Light and variable winds, temperatures in the 80's and numerous fun people as well. :P

The Eloy people are just plain jealous is all. ;):P:ph34r:

All the thanks go out to TK and Staff, Paul M. at the Bar, and Janine at the snack bar (food throughout the day and awesome dinners at night!)

Let's hear it for Z-Hills!!!!!!!!!



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Sweet!! Yeah, I procrastinated too long Sunday morning, and the next thing I knew, you were organizing an 8-way. Shit! Missed my chance! :D

Hopefully next time I come down there, I'll have my A, my own gear, and a lot more money. Then I won't have to sit around debating whether or not to jump in the absolutely gorgeous weather! :D

It was great to meet you! And you'll definitely be seeing me more! B|


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Oh, yeah, and thanks to all of the people who taught me about spotting (Ron, Eric, Pip(?), Igor, etc.) . . . I ALMOST feel like I can do it now, at least at my home DZ where I'm familiar with the surrounding areas. I think I learned so much while I was there, and I am eternally grateful. ;):)

Plus, there's nothing like getting some sun in January! B|


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It had to have been early. When I went to Gaylen with the portable breathalizer, he broke the machine. Hell, there were people blowing .3somethings and it was before midnight!

It was a blast! How I was in any shape to jump the next day is beyond my scope of comprehension.

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Is that you Paige? If so, then....that was my breathalyzer!

I hope you didn't give it to anyone with visible coldsores, or syphillis of the ass!
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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Boy, you must have been wasted! You were my partner in crime! You made sure that anyone and everyone that took it answered correctly when you asked them if they were clean of visible coldsores or syphilis of the ass. Oh wait, you WERE wasted! You were barely in any shape to jump New Year's Day. If I remember correctly, you made one jump and split the scene. We had a blast huh?? ;)

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I was still blowing a .05 when I woke up that morning, so yeah, I'd say I was pretty wasted...

But damn that was a good night. Debauchery, fornication, nakedness....my kind of party!
“If you hear a voice within you saying, ''You are not a painter,'' then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh

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Boy, you must have been wasted!

and you weren't? :D



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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