
Red Rover Code

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There is no typo in the first clue. I thought that for awhile, but as I continued, I found the correction that I had to make. :)

And here's a link to the "certificate of accomplishment" if anyone is too lazy to actually figure it out and just wants to type their name on a silly pdf file.

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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Well I fiddled with the 5 bit theory and there are about 30 similar patterns, which leads me to believe that it is a 5 bit pattern. But again the problem is the double first letter. I've attatched what I did.

Also there are 75 bits in the first message, and the second message has 810 bits (also divisible by 5).

edited: wow I cant believe I wasted this much time on the wrong answer. [:/]

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Got it!

Damn, that was a bit of logic!

Ok, here's the thing that pisses me off: there is no freekin' way I think any kid is going to figure that out without both the first and second clue -- AND when the .pdf file pops up on -my- computer, it's not personalized! I mean, I spent DAYS with this thing and my name doesn't pop up on the certificate?!? Awww, man! I'm soooooo bummed out.

When the answer is finally given out to the public we can discuss how we all attacked it.

Whoops! Almost forgot the obligatory "proof" screen shot.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Um, I don't know if you've noticed . . . we gave up on 5-bit quite a while ago and have moved on.

Actually, some of us have solved it.

Have you?

Nope, hadn't noticed as I started browsing today's posts. Stopped by kalland's for a piece of the humor, posted and only -then- read on.

Congratulations on your 5 day endeavor! Did ya get outside to enjoy some of this BEAUTIFUL weather we're having today in CA? B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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||-|-||-||--||---|||--|-|-|-||? :(

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What are some famous encoded messages that the clue might be? I am wondering if the clue might have included punctuation in order to give a visual hint about what the clue is. Can anyone think of two famous sentences, the second of which contains two commas? In all likelihood, they would have to do with exploration or space travel.


"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
"Houston, we have a problem."
"How YOU doin'?"
"Where is the bathroom?"
"I'll be back!"
"If found, please return to NASA"

What other quotes came out fo the moon missions?

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Because I think I know what you are implying, but this just seems wrong. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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well, I do like your sig-line. It's probably the only appropriate use of the code...

just out of curiousity, after you had the second clue and knew which phrase it was (thanks bmcd308) how long did you spend chugging away at it? it took me about three and a half hours (I got to this page with the new hints around midnight) and I did it with pen and paper.

I know someone mentioned it, but after the last few days I have about 5 pages of numbers, alphabets all lined out with patterns next to them, the original message in octal and 5bit break downs in all the directions, various partially decoded sentence fragments... I must say, I kinda look like a lunatic.

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You bastiges! I got sick yesterday afternoon and have been in bed since I posted last with no further progress! I check this board, and it turns out there is a whole group of you sitting in a special VIP room full of hot chicks, but I don't know the password. Oh well. I'll figure it out tonight and join you guys.



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Well, the rovers are also parachutists, so I thought the sig line was sort of appropriate.

The second clue was released to the public at about 11 am PST.

I solved the second clue independently of the analysis others were doing in this thread by searching through Pale Blue Dot for the right sentence fragment ratios. Took about 40 or so minutes to settle on what I thought was the exact solution and I posted my analysis at about noon.

Applying the second clue to the first took a bit longer!

Some folks had made a leap of faith or had some sort of intuition about their belief in certain assumptions. I didn't want to follow these assumptions without some sort of statistical backing so I started crunching numbers.

Well, the folks that made the assumptions made the right ones and had pretty well solved the entire thing by the time I had convinced myself that they were actually right in their assumptions.

By about 3 pm PST I had committed to a particular attack I was going to use.

About 3:30 pm PST scottbre says he's already figured it out! Holy crap. Here's a quote from Scott, "It is just a substitution code." Well, GEEZE Scott, no, it's NOT! It's a heck of a lot more complicated than that in how it was designed, but damn I applaud you for cracking it so freekin' fast based on what appears to be purely intuition!

I didn't have the solution to the actual DVD message until about 7:45 pm PST so I spent maybe a total of 6 hours of working on it. I did take some breaks to have lunch, dinner and do some household chores.

I will say this, the Planetary Society did an excellent job of choosing the right passage on which to base the code. Once you can safely make a couple of assumptions, then the entire thing becomes a fairly straight forward logic puzzle.

As far as my work room goes, it sort of always looks like John Nash's study with seemingly incoherent pages of work strewn about, but, um, for the last several days it's been filled with all sorts of old codes and such. Just as I imagine were a lot of folks. It was fun.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Alright, I need a hint. I assume I am at the place where others have said there must be a typo in the clue.

I cannot reconcile what I think must be an "e" in vastness --| with what I think must be the word "there". What am I messing up?


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I must say its been fascinating reading this post and still not having a clue,
its nice to know that there is some real intelligence on this planet, and from what i can make out, there seems to be an abundance in this thread.

Sadly, this is where i have to leave... at least knowing i had a little part in it. B|

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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I don't know where other people thought there was a typo in any of the messages.

I do know that at some point in time when working this all out you might have to re-evaluate certain assumptions in fitting those assumptions to parts of the code.

For instance, if you thought a certain letter was represented by a certain set of bits and things just aren't fitting together, then you might want to recheck all of your logic in how you arrived at that belief.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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