
Bush Malapropisms - Moron? Dyslexia? Sociopath? Alcohol/Cocaine Brain Damage? My Hero Regardless?

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The thread on Bush malapropisms seems to have taken a turn toward discussion of testing, so I'll start a new one.

In 2002, a guy named Mark Crispin Miller wrote a book called Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder. He says he started out to write a humorous look at Bush verbal gaffes, but when he noticed a pattern emerging, it took a dark turn.

Miller clearly has strong anti-Bush views, and not being a psychologist, I can't fairly address the assertion of Bush having a "sociopathic personality", but none the less, I find some of the observations very interesting:

“He has no trouble speaking off the cuff when he’s speaking punitively, when he’s talking about violence, when he’s talking about revenge. When he struts and thumps his chest, his syntax and grammar are fine,” Miller said. It’s only when he leaps into the wild blue yonder of compassion, or idealism, or altruism, that he makes these hilarious mistakes.”

“Bush is not an imbecile. He’s not a puppet. I think that Bush is a sociopathic personality. I think he’s incapable of empathy. He has an inordinate sense of his own entitlement, and he’s a very skilled manipulator. And in all the snickering about his alleged idiocy, this is what a lot of people miss.”

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Awwe, whats wrong Gary, not enough bush bashing going on for you taste?

Where? Did you even read it? Is this where all the good little neo-cons start screaming Troll! Troll! again?

I have an interesting (IMNERHO) observation that directly relates to and brings a new view to something being discussed, and the rules are being followed.

If, like the 500th Dead Americans post, you are embarrassed by the subject or you don't want it brought up because it makes your dear pres look bad, just don't open it. . . Just say NO to dissent or opposing thoughts!

Old saying: Minds are like parachutes - they malfunction if you pack them wrong. . .

(or something like that. . . )

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Well, the guy hit on a point that most on the left don't seem to want to address. He said that Bush is not an imbecile.

It has always riled many of my friends because most think that Bush is an "idiot." (My best friends are all pinko commies - we just get along well because it's nothing personal and they are a heckuva lot of fun). I encourage them to believe that, because underestimating a person is the best gift to give them.

Al Gore may have been the smartest person in the world (next to Bill and Hillary) but he lost the election.

Ronald Reagan was not as intelligent as Jimmy Carter (perhaps the single most intelligent president since Woodrow) but he was more successful. Clinton was so smart that, when uncontrolled, he led to the first Republican Congress in 35 years. Remember 1994, everyone? Had he been up for re-election in 1994, he would have lost.

Intelligence is overrated as a president goes.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Link it so we are all informed of its source.

You know me - it was probably democraticunderground or pfaw or commondreams or buzzflash. . .

Actually, I read about the book from a commentator on a Libertarian website (gasp!), Bob Wallace, who describes himself as ". . . a mostly conservative, "rightist" libertarian".


Deeper article in The Atlantic:

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Actually, I don't see compassion as being very important. Vision - yes. Empathy - see compassion.

Arnold is recommending "armageddon" cuts in Cali. Compassionate? Not to some but to the taxpayers, yes.

Compassion means choosing sides. Ask kallend - he'll probably tell you Bush is plenty compassionate to the corporations, anti-environmentalists, etc. It's just not directed towards your side.

Compassion for the sheep is death to the wolf.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Actually, I don't see compassion as being very important. Vision - yes. Empathy - see compassion.

Arnold is recommending "armageddon" cuts in Cali. Compassionate? Not to some but to the taxpayers, yes.

Compassion means choosing sides. Ask kallend - he'll probably tell you Bush is plenty compassionate to the corporations, anti-environmentalists, etc. It's just not directed towards your side.

Compassion for the sheep is death to the wolf.

Impossible to argue.

Let me change the original statement to "compassion for all Americans, all human beings, even the poor and weak"

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Interesting point, however, just because you empathise with someone, doesn't mean you agree with them. It's the ability to see their side and understand issues from their point of view. That way you can make fair decisions.

For instance, I can understand why some people want to ban guns, even though I disagree with them. And I can understand why some people want to kill all muslims, doesn't mean I think it's right. But at least I take the time to understand their point of view. Especially important for a leader whose actions will directly affect those on all sides of an issue.

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Compassion for all Americans? Nice thought, but I'll put it this way.

If you are compassionate for the kidnapper, you would not keep him locked up. He does not want to be there. So, let's show compassion and let him go.

You are compassionate to all, like Ken Lay. Why not just leave the man alone? Or, give him a job. He's unemployed. Show him compassion and let him run, oh, I don't know, the Energy Department.

Martha Stewart deserves compassion. Why is she being charged and being dragged through the mud? Let's show compassion to her and let her go and keep the money she made. Lord knows, with her legal bills, she'll need it.

THAT kind of compassion for all Americans?

It simply can't be put into practice.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yes, kev. I understand that. I can empathize with the sheep who merely wants to stay alive. But I'll be faced with the hard choice - let him die or let the wolf die.

I'll be accused of a lack of compassion for letting that wolf kill the poor sheep. You will be accused of having no compassion for gun victims and their families. Of course, they will be wrong.

Accusing Bush of having no sympathy or empathy is a dangerous proposition to make. It simply cannot be proven.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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If I start a brand new thread with this picture, I'm afraid one or two of the nice, calm neo-cons on the site will burst a vein about my incessant Bush-bashing, and then I will feel awful.

So, I am going to hide it in this thread.

Sorry if a repost or a fake - too funny to pass up, even if it were NOT George Bush, though I will admit to it being even funnier because it actually IS him (remember the whole "Bush or Chimp" thing. . . )

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Couldn't agree with you more. While intelligence is a desireable trait in a president, there are more pressing qualitities.

It's not about coming up with a unifying theory of physics. It's about making judgement calls, setting policy, manipulating people and staying in power. It's about outmaneuvering your opponents, picking one's allies and timing. It's about a want to project your own ideas about the world onto the general population and making 'em like it :P.

Agree complete with ya, LawRocket.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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I don't think intelligence is as important as diplomacy, when it comes to running a country.

Intelligence and comprehension can lead to better diplomacy.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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or you don't want it brought up because it makes your dear pres look bad,

If you live in Oregon he's your president too. :D

Know it all too well. Was just mocking the way some hard core Bush lovers like to refer to MY president or MY commander in chief, as if because I can't stand him, I don't deserve to call him mine too. . . :|

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