
Foreign language speakers, can you translate for me?

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I'm looking for the following words or phrases in these languages: Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Norwegian, italian, russian, and hebrew. If you speak any of these languages fluently, can you help me? For the languages that use different characters, can you write them in english characters so that the browser will translate them (ie. ÷èâåøéä is how I see it unless I changed the encoding in my browser). I'd just use an online translator but I don't trust that I'm always getting the proper word.

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If it's not on video, it didn't happen!
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"Average videos should get a 3, above average a 4, and so on. 5 should be reserved for only the very best videos, and 1 for the absolute worst."

Ok, I think that's all for now. I hope to get at least spanish, french, and german, but I'll take any of the languages listed that I can get a complete list for.

And uhhh, this is for an experiment. I make no guarantees. :)

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Si c'est pas sur vidéo, ça ne s'est jamais passé!
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Les vidéos moyens devraient obtenir un 3, au dessus de la moyenne un 4, etc. La note de 5 devrait être réservée aux meilleurs vidéos, et 1 au pires.

I'm in no way responsible for typos... lol

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If it's not on video, it didn't happen!
not rated yet
"Average videos should get a 3, above average a 4, and so on. 5 should be reserved for only the very best videos, and 1 for the absolute worst."

-Haga un Click sobre el nombre para obtener mas informacion sobre el video
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-Elija lenguaje
-Si no tiene video, no sucedio!
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"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Spanish Translations:

While there may be multiple regional interpretations, the following wording should be well understood across all Spanish speakers:

Click on the filename for more info about that video: "Clicar en el nombre del archivo para más información respecto a ese video"
Name: "Nombre"
Date : "Fecha"
Comment: "Comentario"
Comments: "Comentarios"
Submit Comment: "Someta Comentario"
Choose Language: "Seleccione Lenguaje"
If it's not on video, it didn't happen: "Si no está en video, no occurió"
Not Rated Yet: "No ha sido clasificado todavía"
Average videos should get a 3, above average a 4, and so on. 5 should be reserved for only the very best videos, and 1 for the absolute worst.: "Videos promedios deben recibir un 3, sobre promedio un 4, y así continua. 5 se debe reservar solo para los mejores videos, y 1 para los absolutamente peores."

If you need further assistance, just drop me a line.
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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In Dutch for you (or as Deuce would say: Hollish)

Phrases: Zinnen:
click on a filename for more info about that video: Klik op de bestandsnaam voor meer informatie over de video
Name: Naam
Date: Datum
Comment: Commentaar
Comments: Commentaar
Submit Comment: Geef commentaar
Choose language: Selecteer een taal
If it's not on video, it didn't happen! Als het niet op video staat is het niet gebeurd.
not rated yet Nog geen waardering

"Average videos should get a 3, above average a 4, and so on. 5 should be reserved for only the very best videos, and 1 for the absolute worst."
Gemiddelde videos krijgen een drie, boven gemiddeld een 4. 5 is alleen voor de allerbeste video en 1 is voor de allerslechtste

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In German:

click on a filename for more info about that video - Klicke auf einen Dateinamen für mehr Informationen über das Video
Name - Name
Date - Datum
Comment - Kommentar
Comments - Kommentare
Submit Comment - Kommentar abgeben
Choose language - Sprache wählen
If it's not on video, it didn't happen! - Wenn es kein Video davon gibt, ist es nicht passiert!
not rated yet - Noch keine Wertung
"Average videos should get a 3, above average a 4, and so on. 5 should be reserved for only the very best videos, and 1 for the absolute worst." -
Mittelmäßige Videos sollten eine 3 bekommen, bessere eine 4 und so weiter. 5 ist nur für die allerbesten Videos und 1 nur für die absolut schlechtesten.

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In norwegian:

click on a filename for more info about that video - Klikk på et filnavn for mer informasjon om den videoen.

Name - Navn

Date - Dato

Comment - Kommentar

Comments - Kommentarer

Submit Comment - Legg inn kommentar

Choose language - Velg Språk

If it's not on video, it didn't happen! - Dersom det ikke er på video, så skjedde det ikke.

not rated yet - Ikke vurdert enda.

"Gjennomsnittlige videoer burde få 3, over gjennomsnittlig 4 og så videre. 5 burde reserveres kun de alle beste videoene, og 1 for kun de aller dårligste."


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Russian (you will have to have russian fonts installed to see it):

click on a filename for more info about that video - ×ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÆÁÊÌ ÄÌÑ ÄÏÐÏÌÎÉÔÅÌØÎÏÊ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÉ Ï ÜÔÏÍ ×ÉÄÅÏËÌÉÐÅ
Name - éÍÑ
Date - äÁÔÁ
Comments - ëÏÍÍÅÎÔÁÒÉÉ
Choose language - ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÑÚÙË
If it's not on video, it didn't happen! - åÓÌÉ ÜÔÏ ÎÅ ÎÁ ×ÉÄÅÏ - ÜÔÏÇÏ ÎÅ ÓÌÕÞÉÌÏÓØ!
not rated yet - îÅÔ ÒÅÊÔÉÎÇÏ×
"Average videos should get a 3, above average a 4, and so on. 5 should be reserved for only the very best videos, and 1 for the absolute worst." - óÒÅÄÎÅÅ ×ÉÄÅÏ ÄÏÌÖÎÏ ÐÏÌÕÞÉÔØ 3, ×ÙÛÅ ÓÒÅÄÎÅÅÇÏ - 4 É ÔÁË ÄÁÌÅÅ. 5 ÄÏÌÖÎÏ ÂÙÔØ ÚÁÒÅÚÅÒ×ÉÒÏ×ÁÎÏ ÄÌÑ ÎÁÉÌÕÞÛÅÇÏ ×ÉÄÅÏ, 1 ÄÌÑ ÎÁÉÈÕÄÛÅÇÏ.

enjoy :)

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Hey Staso (or other russian readers)... I don't suppose the attached pic says what I want it to, does it?


nope, it doesn't. it actually might, but the thing is that the sentence was written using one
coding (koi8-r for example) and viewed (and taken snapshot) using another coding (win1251
for example). so it's gibberish. but originally it was russian.

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Any better?

Actually... the rest of the russian on the site is encoded with Windows-1251. Any chance I could get those translations encoded with that? Thanks!


now it's ok. it says -if it's not on video - it didn't happen. win1251 is standard russin coding for windows. koi8r is standard russian for unix and it's supposed to be standard for internet, but many pages are in win1251.

let me know if you need any more help with russian.

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Yeah, the problem is the phrases you translated for me are put into a much bigger list of phrases, which are all encoded in the win1251 format. Your phrases will not fit in with the rest of the page.


because they are in different coding ? you should be able to copy text in one code page (correctly displayed) into diff one just using copy nad paste. or is there another problem ?

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Hmmm, maybe I don't understand how the encoding works. If I take a phrase you gave me, put in in an html file, and view it in my browser, i at first see garbled english letters. So I switch my browser's encoding to cyrillic-windows, and it appears to be in russian to me. I can also change the encoding to cyrillic KOI8-R, and the page still appears to be in russian to me. But, one version is correct, the other version is nonsense. My understanding is the translations you gave me are KOI8-R, so if I put them on a page with a bunch of text encoded in windows, when i set the page encoding, some text will be correctly decoded, and the rest will be nonsense. Is that not correct?


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what you should do is to open page in one window in win1251 and in another one with koi8r. get the correctly displayed pieces from both (you're gonna have problem here :)) and copy it to the same html file. it might depend on what you use to edit your html. i use outlook express email window to bring two pieces in different coding together.

or you might also give up and get youself a cold one and forget about the whole ordeal B|

it's not about defying gravity; it's how hard you can abuse it. speed skydiving it is ...
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