
O'Reilly Skeptical about GWB!

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Didn't think anyone on Fox would admit these things! Maybe he does have some integrity:o

Bush's Political Base Seems Restive, Anxious

By Alan Elsner

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of George W. Bush's conservative political supporters are increasingly restive and anxious about the president's economic policies as well as his attempts to justify the war against Iraq.

Popular conservative television news anchor Bill O'Reilly, usually an outspoken Bush loyalist, said on Tuesday he was now skeptical about the Bush administration and apologized to viewers for supporting prewar claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

"I was wrong. I am not pleased about it at all and I think all Americans should be concerned about this," O'Reilly said in an interview with ABC's "Good Morning America."

Pollster John Zogby said Bush was on the defensive with some polls showing him slightly behind Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, his probable Democratic opponent in the Nov. 2 presidential election.

"The president is on the ropes right now. The question is, how will he adjust? Right now, the issues are not in his favor. Many Americans still think the economy is poor and his rationale for the Iraq war seems a little thin," he said.

"Bush's greatest asset was his unimpeachable integrity in the eyes of most Americans. But with no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that integrity has been chipped away and right now some large lumps are falling off it," Zogby said.

Bush's White House interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday was designed to calm some of these doubts. But while some pundits gave Bush good marks for his performance, some prominent conservatives were not impressed.


Peggy Noonan, a speechwriter for former President Ronald Reagan (news - web sites) and for Bush's father and an outspoken conservative commentator, said: "The president seemed tired, unsure and often bumbling. His answers were repetitive, and when he tried to clarify them he tended to make them worse. He seemed in some way disconnected from the event."

Conservative columnists George Will and Robert Novak and former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough, now a cable TV commentator, have also recently criticized Bush's fiscal programs and his attempts to explain them.

Such doubts, if they persist, could spell trouble for Bush's re-election campaign. But conservative political consultant Keith Appell said Bush would soon be able to unify and energize his base.

"The White House has had a string of misfires but I believe they will soon regain their stride. This last month has been a wake-up call, but maybe that's what they needed," he said.

In the past month, Bush's State of the Union Address and his initiative to send manned spacecraft to Mars failed to generate much enthusiasm. Conservatives and liberals both criticized his budget for failing to seriously confront the country's growing deficit problem.

On Monday, Bush delivered an economic report to Congress promising to create 2.6 million jobs this year. Last year's economic report predicted that 1.7 million jobs would be created. Instead, there was a net loss of 53,000.

"Congress has the power to censure the president -- to formally reprimand him for betraying the nation's trust. If ever there was a time for this, it's now," the group said in a statement posted on its Web site.

Democrats hope they can plant seeds of doubt now. "If you can create a drumbeat of criticism in February, it's easier to make the case when it really counts in September and October," said Democratic consultant Jennifer Laszlo.

But Brown University political scientist Darrell West said he expected Bush to recover. "It's damaging when your friends criticize you in public, but by November they will all be supporting Bush," he said.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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You're letting your leftist slant cloud your vision. O'Reilly has slammed Bush numerous times for a myriad of reasons - his brother Jeb as well a time or two. Haven't been watching him lately these past couple of months though, truth be told. The author's labelling of O'Reilly as a conservative is evidence of his own bias.

Peggy Noonan's analysis of Bush's MTP interview with Russert is a far better indicator of the pulse of conservative America.

Regardless, it seems that everyone on the left is hearing merely what they wanted to from Mr. Kay and not what he actually said with regards to WMDs. Note that I've often contended in these forums that I disagree with GWB's Iraqi-centric foreign policy in the post 9-11 environment, though I do see some of its merit.

Bush has pissed off a lot of conservatives on several issues during his term. Even given that fact, the alternative candidates presented by the left are so unpalatable to us that we're motivated to go to the polls merely out of revulsion for the leftists than out of loyalty to GWB or the GOP.

I predict a close race with GWB winning. I also predict the race itself and the tactics the left will invoke will harm America - racial stratification, class warfare lies, and etc. 'Deficit deficit deficit! Baaaaad deficit! Hey guys - let's socialize medicine!' The folks who give such garbage credence are walking testaments to the failure of the American education system.

Blah blah blah blah blah. Hope everyone's having a nice day. I'm going to go back to work. Engineering is much more fun than engineering management - at least to date.

Beers to all,

Vinny the Anvil
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I'll criticize Bush for his lefty economics policies. I always criticized his reasons for the war, always stating he should just be up front why he sent the troops there.

Conservatives do not hesitate to call out other conservatives for what they do. Mainly, I guess, because conservatives are worried about being labeled by invective names for stating disagreement with conservative thoughts.

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Well, since Jeb is still in FL, the GOP doesn't need to buy that state, they will just "lose" some ballots again ;) Guess the GOP studied old Chicago political winning policies for elections. Plenty of dead people in FL to vote for GWB.
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Well, since Jeb is still in FL, the GOP doesn't need to buy that state, they will just "lose" some ballots again ;) Guess the GOP studied old Chicago political winning policies for elections. Plenty of dead people in FL to vote for GWB.

That would be fair as long as Florida and Illinois have the same number of electoral votes then they cancel each other out.

As far as the President's economic proposals, he should have just stuck to his principles and stayed fiscally conservative. By trying, like Clinton, to take the other party's positions and get more of the center, he's just alienating his base.

It works only for a democratic president because of what Lawrocket is always saying:

that the typical dem is partisan regardless of the issue, but the typical republican can be swayed by logic and common sense (thus, the typ Republican can be convince to vote for a good guy dem, but a typical dem will vote for a crook dem just because he's under the party ticket). How's that for an oversimplified stereotyping?

jab jab

Edit: most of the lost/disenfranchised ballets just the ex-patriot ballets anyway. All those lost votes were certainly made up by letting felons and illegal immigrants vote. That should be plenty more votes for the Kerry.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I predict a close race with GWB winning.

I predict that the libs will try to steal the election, just like the last time.

Tell that to the african americans living in florida who were purged from the voter rolls due to having names similar to those of felons...

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Note to Benny: conservatives don't care what color anyone is. That's one of many reasons we don't vote for or respect anyone who judges anyone by their race for any reason or supports programs that do the same. Check out how well D. Duke was received by the national republican party as compared to...oh...let's say...former senate majority leader Byrd is/was with the national democratic party - nice compare/contrast exercise to expose the difference between the parties as far as civil rights are concerned.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Rights Panel Criticizes Florida's Bush, Harris
Justice Dept. Probe of 2000 Vote Is Sought
By Robert E. Pierre
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 9, 2001; Page A03

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights yesterday approved a report that harshly criticized Florida leaders for allowing problems during last November's presidential election, disenfranchising countless Floridians, the majority of them African Americans.

While I may agree that most conservatives don't care about the color of our skin but rather the contents of your wallet, they definitely care about being elected and they know how black people historically tend to vote.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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And I'm sure all members of the GOP have a best friend of another color/creed. Whatever. This is where these threads get out of control - the dems are stereotypical this, the repubs are stereotypical that. Is "I know you are but what am I?" far behind?

I'm neither and would never associate myself with either party. I vote the lesser evil. Right now it is the Dems...it hasn't been that way in the past for me. Yes. I have voted for the GOP more than once in my life, and I have voted for Dem's, Libertarian, etc.....

But, this is a great way to stick to the platform and issues at hand.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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>conservatives don't care what color anyone is.

I think a lot of conservatives honestly believe that, but such a belief can be counterproductive. From Time Magazine:

Here's some advice for Republicans eager to attract more African-American supporters: don't stop with Trent Lott. Blacks won't take their commitment to expanding the party seriously until they admit that the GOP's wrongheadedness about race goes way beyond Lott and infects their entire party. The sad truth is that many Republican leaders remain in a massive state of denial about the party's four-decade-long addiction to race-baiting. They won't make any headway with blacks by bashing Lott if they persist in giving Ronald Reagan a pass for his racial policies.

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Bill I was beginning to think you had died or something. It's good to see a nice green 'billvon' in a thread once in a while.

I think whoever wrote that article needs a serious dose of reality. Four decade long history of race-baiting my ass. This author falsely assumes that Reagan and all of his policies were racist and that Republicans have always been weak on civil rights.

In reality what has happened is that conservatives over the past decade have evolved. They aren't taking crap from left wingers on this supposed race issue any more. Slowly but surely, the republican party's leadership is finding their cajones and are standing up to the race-baiting tactics of Jackson, Sharpton, Gore, Clinton, et al. Gone are the days when the only party to elect a former Ku Klux Klansman as Senate Majority Leader can throw the race card up and have instant credibility whilst their opponents turn the other cheek. The conservative today is damned proud of the fact that we neither judge people by their race for any reason nor support programs that do likewise, and sure as HELL isn't going to let anyone who supports such programs speak with credibility on any race issue.

Note that the national party is growing a spine, but slowly. If they had a spine, the memoranda found by Frist's recently fired aide would have been splattered over every newspaper in the country. Take the following phrase from one such memo: 'We should oppose him [Estrada] because he is Hispanic and the White House appears to be grooming him for a Supreme Court nomination.' - that sentence alone is indictment enough as to how much credibility the left has on racial equality - ZILCH - regardless of how the memorandum in which it was found was obtained. Can you imagine the media frenzy that would have occurred had a Republican memo leaked with this phrase: 'We should oppose Judge Smith's nomination because he is black and the White House appears to be grooming him for a Supreme Court nomination' ??

The race-baiting tactics of the left will continue to hold water for a few years more, but as the RNC leadership grows its spine, the left should beware. It's an issue upon which they depend to motivate a large portion of their voting base to the polls - and an issue which is rapidly becoming more and more impotent.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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You know Sean Hannity criticizes Bush too from time to time. Even I have too. :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Say it's not so.....


It's hard to believe, I know. :D My criticisms are with this job-amnesty program and the "No Child Left Behind" Act. Those are the big ones anyway. :S
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Note that the national party is growing a spine, but slowly. If they had a spine, the memoranda found by Frist's recently fired aide would have been splattered over every newspaper in the country. Take the following phrase from one such memo: 'We should oppose him [Estrada] because he is Hispanic and the White House appears to be grooming him for a Supreme Court nomination.' - that sentence alone is indictment enough as to how much credibility the left has on racial equality - ZILCH - regardless of how the memorandum in which it was found was obtained. Can you imagine the media frenzy that would have occurred had a Republican memo leaked with this phrase: 'We should oppose Judge Smith's nomination because he is black and the White House appears to be grooming him for a Supreme Court nomination' ??

Which is why I refuse to buy into party lines or those that speak for them.

Good to see the GOP is getting their racial act together just in time to strengthen their predujice against homosexuals in this country.

you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Say it's not so.....


It's hard to believe, I know. :D My criticisms are with this job-amnesty program and the "No Child Left Behind" Act. Those are the big ones anyway. :S

Wow - you are in agreement with me!
Is this one of the seven signs? Is the end near?:P
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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