
WTF is WRONG with ME?????!!!!

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I'm now re thinking my DZ.com profile....wouldn't wanna get a rep

:ph34r: In your new pic today (great pic!), you seem attractive and appear to be nude, so... :$ that is what I thought...soooo sorry. Actually, I know that there is at least one poster who is a "dancer" (stripper) on DZ.com, and she is well-loved. Please do not worry too much about your image because everyone is very accepting here.

I think that it's beautiful that you dance ballet. A friend of mine in high school was a also VERY talented ballet dancer. I LOVE watching dance productions. Please let me know if you go on any tours to the US with your dance company and/or dance team. I would love to see your artistic talents. :)

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...........then she tells me, she's a dancer!!!$%^&*$^#$#$

There's nothing wrong with you, you're just still attracted to the same kind of girl. Maybe you should go hang out at a library for awhile. ;)

That's where I meet mine! My GF has a PhD in mathematics.:)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Maybe you should go hang out at a library for awhile. ;)

Or take a class or two at the local Community College. Or, and I'm quite serious here, consider a church group for adult singles. I'm not going to get religious on you, as I'm not particularly religious myself, but just keep an open mind about it. You'd be AMAZED at how many beautiful, fun, interesting women there are in church singles groups. They're wondering whatever happened to all the good men.

Bars are a losing proposition, unless you're just looking for a warm body for the night. If you want quality, go where you can find it. Quality doesn't hang out in bars.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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[:/]. Wish I could offer something helpful and uplifting, but the best man I've ever met was a blind date...my selection sucked, and apparently, all my friends felt they needed to take matters into their own hands. I am SOOOOOO glad they did!! ;):P:)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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This thread is weird to read....

I am a dancer and to see that word automatically linked with stripping is somewhat disturbing!
I'm a ballet/contemporary dancer who tours the UK and Europe (and the rest of the world when we get a good promoter!) and there are loads of other dancers out there who also AREN'T strippers.

I'm now re thinking my DZ.com profile....wouldn't wanna get a re


ps - did you make sure what kind of dancer she was?

Not all of us jumped to that conclusion!!

...but knowing him I'm sure he had no doubt she was an "exotic" dancer.
You're European. Most of us are in the US. Different rules apply.
[and how :S]
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Oh BARF!!!!!

My best friend has a weird attraction with strippers. EVERY chick he dates, he finds out at some point they are /or have been strippers.

Dancer, fine. Stripper? Different.

He says he hates it, but puh-leeze!

Not to enrage the large stripper/skydiver population on dz.com, but you owe it to yourself to figure it out, dude. That is if you're askin' - not braggin'!!! :D:)

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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So, I go to this little pub last night to throw darts with a buddy of mine. Start talking to this cutie that I meet there. Turns out she lives half a block from me. Get her number....yadda yadda yadda. Subject of work comes up, I tell her what I do......

...........then she tells me, she's a dancer!!!$%^&*$^#$#$

I threw the number in the street as soon as I left.....what is my major fucking malfunction?????

It's good that you got rid of the number... but...
Why are you expecting to find, like, a librarian or something in BARS?

While it's true that a good cross-section of the adult population sometimes goes to bars, a larger portion of the female patrons of bars are of the seedy variety.

You would probably be better off not bothering with ANY of the women you meet in bars, even if it means going longer without nookie. It's just too small a chance that the one you meet in a bar is there for the first and last time in six years, you know?

Meat Loaf said something about looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks, and there not being a Coupe De Vill hiding at the bottom of a Crackerjack box. The man may be fat and sweaty, but listen to him. He knows what he's talking about. Most quality girls will not be found to be regular bar-hoppers. By quality, I mean settled, intelligent, non-drug-or-alcohol-abusers, faithful, non-psycho... If you want a girlfriend who's not like that, by all means, keep getting numbers from girls in bars. But remember, many of them are there to abuse alcohol or drugs, and to hook up with some dude she finds there. Not a good prospect. You've been down that road, Neo... You know exactly where it leads.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I just had to say, excellent post my friend. You quoted an outstanding artist who has somehow fallen by the wayside, you have offered fair insight with a simple choice, and you referenced the Matrix. Short of quoting the bard or mentioning Marseilles, I don't know what you could have done better.

Well, I'm sure Ivan would've appreciated uploading a picture attachment of certain anatomy, but that's neither here nor there. :P

[no, it's not post whoring, I really liked his post, that's all]
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Let me get this straight. You threw the number away? I don't get it. Would you rather jerk off or have sex with a hot stripper? WTF is wrong with you? You must be really good at jerking off...;)

Someone needs to tie this thread in with the one about worrying about getting cold sores.

That may help answer your question about having casual sex with any stripper (or anyone else for that matter) who comes along.

I'm not able to do that, and I'm just as big a fan of hot sex as anyone else -- probably more! I just can't go schtupping any old chick I meet, for fear of where she's been, and with whom. I prefer to know someone just a bit, prior to having sex with her... and that mostly rules out picking up strippers in bars and taking them home to fuck them.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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First, a couple of points. Yes, by dancer she meant stripper. Second, I am friends with a couple of dancers, had been before I met my ex-gf. They are nice girls, not drug addicts or alcoholics, not promiscuous, they just have a job that some people have a negative connotation about. Third, yes, many strippers are into drugs or alcohol and have emotional problems, but not all of them. A lot of them are either students or single mothers who found a way to make a LOT of money.

My point with this was not that all strippers are bad people. My point was the one I was dating WAS, and I'm not about to go getting mixed up with another one, who may not be, just because that would be like playing russian roulette.

Also, as far as picking up girls in bars, I don't typically do that. I wasn't looking to pick anyone up, I was there to play darts, we just started talking and hit it off. Neither of us were drunk, it wasn't a club, it was a small Irish pub/restaurant where people sit down with friends and have a beer, not a meat market or pick up joint.

And who said anything about casual sex with strippers? What we had actually talked about was having a cup of coffee. Neither of us tried to make a move to go home with the other.

Whatever...I wasn't trying to put down anyone or stereotype anyone with this post. Just thought it was ironic that I'm having problems with a crazy ex who happened to be a stripper, and the next girl I meet, happens to be one as well.

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