
What Muslims Want From America

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Whenever you take the thoughts and ideas of an individual and apply it to a group, it's called a stereotype. Stereotypes are the basis of racism. John, do the math, for gods sake just once think about what you post before you hit that magic button.

Once again - I simply quoted the NOI. Your problem is with their words, not mine.

From what I read of the NOI, they fit my definition of racists. And all the while they demand special favors from America, like free land and no taxes, they also say they want "equality". Well, free land and no taxes for blacks isn't equal. That's reverse racism.

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The title should have been "What the Nation of Islam wants from America."

Sure. Farrakhan (sp?) is a radical, and personally, I feel as though he is WAY off base and really just trying to make waves. I think most of us saw the Farrakhan message for what it was, roll our eyes, and move on with life, because the only way to get people like that to go away is to deprive them of their audience.

We were concerned that you, or perhaps others reading, felt, or could be misled into feeling, that the Nation of Islam represented all Muslims, which is very much not the case. Matter of fact, the Muslims I work with think he's a moron.

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The title should have been "What the Nation of Islam wants from America."

Then people would have been flaming him for not specifying that the 'Nation of Islam,' is not in fact, the nation of Islam, simply one racist's version of it.


Some of us enjoy talking about out there, unacceptable, non PC, or otherwise overlooked topics. The things you might simply roll your eyes at. Kind of like how some people view the constant Bush bashing. They look at it and go "eh, not again."
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From what I read of the NOI, they fit my definition of racists. And all the while they demand special favors from America, like free land and no taxes, they also say they want "equality". Well, free land and no taxes for blacks isn't equal. That's reverse racism.

That is context. Now you have something to talk about. If you would have included that in the original post, it would have stopped a page worth of posts from people wondering what the purpose of the original post was.

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Apparently, no one wants to talk about the nutjobs. It's more fun to have meaningless semantic arguments about how well John chooses his words for those too lazy to read the content.

I was Frankly really pissed off at the book the DaVinci code. DaVinci wasn't even in the book except as a historical reference.

And the movie "Naked Lunch" - I can think of two things misleading about that title.

And the movie "The Neverending Story" Is the most blatant example of false advertising of all time.

Edit: Andyman - And I don't think . . . {{nevermind - the referenced post was deleted already}}

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>Once again - I simply quoted the NOI. Your problem is with their
>words, not mine.

The problem with your post is that the title is inaccurate. It would be just as inaccurate for me to post the Army of God thing under the title "what Christians want to do to America."

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That would be an accurate title as well, as long as you had no modifier. Don't add in "most" or "all" and it sits just fine with me. People will read it [object of a subject, no?] and see what you are talking about.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The title should have been "What the Nation of Islam wants from America."

That might have been a more accurate description, but that, however, is not the way Louie said it on behalf of the NOI. And the message is all about Louie and the NOI, so I put it in his own words. And if I had said it that way, people would have misconstrued what "Nation of Islam" means. You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't.


personally, I feel as though he is WAY off base

I agree - he's a nut. All one has to do is read his statements on their web site (www.noi.org), to realize this.

For example, he implies that the terrorist attacks on America on Sept. 11, 2001, were God's way of warning us that we are too powerful, and that we needed to be humbled by the downtrodden of the world.


We were concerned that you, or perhaps others reading, felt, or could be misled into feeling, that the Nation of Islam represented all Muslims, which is very much not the case.

All they have to do is read the message, check out the referenced web site, and decide for themselves. The subject title itself said nothing inflammatory - you had to read the actual message content to get that. And that same message content provided the references to the source. So there is no excuse for anyone to say that they were misled.

If they're too lazy to read, and jump to conclusions, that's not my fault.

Gosh, if only there was this much concern for all the misleading statements made in all the political thread discussions...

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and "Blazing Saddles" - I didn't see a single saddle on fire, being set on fire, or being extinguished from a fire.

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From what I read of the NOI, they fit my definition of racists. And all the while they demand special favors from America, like free land and no taxes, they also say they want "equality". Well, free land and no taxes for blacks isn't equal. That's reverse racism.

That is context. Now you have something to talk about. If you would have included that in the original post, it would have stopped a page worth of posts from people wondering what the purpose of the original post was.

The "free land" and "no taxes" demands were in the original post. All you had to do was read it.

And there is a reason why I didn't comment directly upon the starter message. I refrained from doing that because I just wanted to post "what is", without prejudicing anyone's reaction with my own personal comments at that point. I want them to read it for themselves, and judge it with their own minds, free from any outside influence. Then I jump in later and add my own comments, as people start to form their own thoughts.

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>Once again - I simply quoted the NOI. Your problem is with their
>words, not mine.

The problem with your post is that the title is inaccurate. It would be just as inaccurate for me to post the Army of God thing under the title "what Christians want to do to America."

It was an absolutely accurate quote of what Farrakahn says on his web site. And I provided the web site reference to prove it.

If President Bush said something that wasn't true, would you object to someone posting a thread title with Bush's inaccurate statement, as is? I doubt it.

And since when did we start caring about subject title accuracy? Heck, about 20% of all thread titles here provide no clue as to what subject matter is discussed inside the messages.

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And there is a reason why I didn't comment directly upon the starter message. I refrained from doing that because I just wanted to post "what is", without prejudicing anyone's reaction with my own personal comments at that point. I want them to read it for themselves, and judge it with their own minds, free from any outside influence. Then I jump in later and add my own comments, as people start to form their own thoughts.

Again, that is context. Without it, people will feel the need to create one, such as: what a racist piece of troll crap. In this case they would be wrong, but they didn't know that until you gave it context.

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I don't think the complainers actually clicked on the link. Else they would have seen that Farrakhan's title of the article was "What The Muslims Want"

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And there is a reason why I didn't comment directly upon the starter message. I refrained from doing that because I just wanted to post "what is", without prejudicing anyone's reaction with my own personal comments at that point. I want them to read it for themselves, and judge it with their own minds, free from any outside influence. Then I jump in later and add my own comments, as people start to form their own thoughts.

Again, that is context. Without it, people will feel the need to create one, such as: what a racist piece of troll crap. In this case they would be wrong, but they didn't know that until you gave it context.

So you think that every time someone posts a message they should provide many paragraphs of legal-sounding disclaimers to clarify why they are posting what they are posting? Balogna. Some people just need to butch-up, use their eyeballs to read, use their minds to think, and then voice their opinions if they wish. If they don't agree, that's fine, but whining about the wording of a thread title is a waste of time.

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So you think that every time someone posts a message they should provide many paragraphs of legal-sounding disclaimers to clarify why they are posting what they are posting? Balogna. Some people just need to butch-up, use their eyeballs to read, use their minds to think, and then voice their opinions if they wish. If they don't agree, that's fine, but whining about the wording of a thread title is a waste of time.

Yeah. There is some rule of thumb about arguing and people won't be able to tell you apart......
I'm done. Good day to all.

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John - Why don't you start a new thread with a different title and exact same first post and see if you can spark the conversation you were hoping for?

This is one is going nowhere - it's been filibustered. But it was funny watching the anal retentive discussion for awhile.

How about this for a title - "Louis Farrakhan article"
Or "Kittens, Good or Evil"
Or "Naked Lunch"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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No, it was absolutely clear that it was a quote from the NOI. I stated that in my very first sentence of the message, and I also provided the web site reference so everyone could see for themselves.

Nothing in your post or the link that you posted indicates to the uninformed that the nation of islam is not the embodiment of American Muslims.


If you don't like the statement, your anger should be directed towards the NOI, not me.

I'm not angry. I also could care less what NOI has to say, they're insignificant. I do, however, take issue with your attempt to portray them as the voice of muslims.


I believe this is summarized under the old saying; "Don't kill the messenger."

Sorry, that only applies when someone asks the messenger to deliver a message. Did Farrakhan contact you personally and ask you to post this? Or did anyone ask what the stance of the NOI was? No, you decided to post this on your own.

Answer something honestly, John. Just answer it to yourself. Did you post this because you wanted to inform everyone about the agende of the NOI? Or did yo post this because you wanted to portray muslims as people who believe that crap?

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Kev, you know we agree on plenty of things, but here I think you just misinterpretted his intentions. The website he quoted was titled 'What The Muslims Want.'

He provided the link so anyone who wanted to was able to educate themselves about NOI. And since we're all here at dz.com, they also have access to google.com

Go easy friend.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The Nation of Islam had a band of black men armed with rifles, marching around the site. It was being covered on TV, as if they were expecting a shootout with police. But police couldn't do anything about it, because it is legal to carry a long gun in the open. And the NOI guys were careful to always keep their barrels pointed upward, so there could be no assumed threat, justifying someone to fire on them.

It was tense, but nothing happened.

I think they are fully in favor of blacks arming themselves.

They want Islam Nation NOT Nation Of USA.
THe great and spineless Masons and THier Mosque worshipings Shrieners/Templars(White), Pharohs(Black) and GWB Skulls(Elite of Masons) will bring down this country.
It is distgusting that these are the same people that really voters as pretending to save the U.S. "Fellow Christians".
****This is not really a Holy War yet but, rather the demise of the U.S.A. (Please tell me I wrong and show me 1 shered of hope that anything good is comming of this)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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As for your reference to firearms, thats just bizzare. :S

His prefference to the 2nd Amendment is strong.
The Desires to undo this Country would lead to loss of The U.S. Nation's Constituiton and the Islam Law to replace it as a small group in power would see fit. Then where are our rights? (That's my fear for our Country's downfall.)
The Religious part is of CHristain & Muslim Extreme is a sick joke of leading the sheep to follow those with hidden agendas.
************ THis is NOT religion it's Survival as a geographic location know as the USA.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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>And since when did we start caring about subject title accuracy?

Do you not care about the accuracy of your posts? There's nothing in "da rules" about posting inaccurate stuff, just something I assumed most people would want to avoid.

Seems to me like a weak attempt to draw John off topic. Just my opinion.

never pull low......unless you are

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