
More gay marriages coming

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At least you admit your tolerance is based on "what's in it for me." I can respect that. And I admit I'm only tolerant of heterosexuality because it makes homos act more butch.

Hell, I just wish I could get interested in other guys...that would like double my chances of getting laid. Unfortunately I'm one of the repressed heteros and have to put up with estrogen to get some.

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Jeanne, you need to get laid more.

Or you're going to blow a gasket about the recess appointments.

Breathe, woman, breath.

And each of your boobs is still bigger than Chuck Blue's head. You should be BoobMonkey .

Oh, and Gareth is afraid of you. I told him how you picked me up to hug me and her was terrified.

I dint say nuffin about George II appointment of another one of his little friends of the CCC.

As far as Gareth.. he is kewt.. has a really kewl accent.. and drives an old MB just like I have.. and he is one hell of a kewl dude.. I likee;)


You should be BoobMonkey

Oh my freakin nerves.....

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What??? No tempura?

Tempura? Have you ever tried to make that? It's HARD!

But I didn't mention the salmon side dish. Quick description then I've got to go finish up:

Toro (raw fatty tuna underbelly meat) chopped fine, then mixed with tuffle oil, tangy ponzu, and three colors of fish roe. Served molded on individual small plates with a drizzle of creme fraische and a sprinkling of juicy salmon roe. If I had fresh truffle, I'd shave a few bits on top.

A mound of shredded daikon radish alongside for contrast.


(I think the problem with gay marriage is we eat so much better than the rest of you and you're JEALOUS! BWAHAhahahaha!)

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I'm curious, what's next on the gay agenda?

You, you fat bastard. Mind you, you should be grateful that *anyone* would want to do you, because you're not lovely like me.

As for me, I'm not getting married again. If I ever feel the urge, I'm just going to find someone I can't stand and buy them a house.

As for everyone else. Go for it. Separate but equal is never equal. It's going to happen, just like voting rights for women, minorities and miscegnation laws. Oh yes, there's going to be a lot of whining from neo cons and the terminally superstitious, but it's an idea who time is coming, so we all might as well just get comfortable with it. It's not like it's any threat to anyone who isn't secure in their own sexuality and relationships.

Also, Amazon is correct. I am both cool and cute.

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