
Mel Gibson's "Passion" film

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1b What did Jesus do to those who failed to sell all their possessions and give every dime to the Lord?(Hint- Think Acts 5: 1-10

They were struck down for their sin against the Holy Spirit. They lied to God. Period. That is why they were struck down. Not because they did not give up their posessions.

They could have siad, I will give up this much, and as long as they did that they would have been in no trouble at all. But they said they were giving up everything, pretended to, and then lied about it when confronted. You should read things in context, not twist them to your own game.

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True, He is grand, but when God writes a book which is His WORD, he doesnt make mistakes or need arrogant men to re-do His Divine work. Gosd managed to get it right the first time.

Zondervan is in the publishing business and has so many bibles, which gives people a choice, all beit a wrong one.

Zondervan has left out, or changed more than 65000 words or phrases from the King james version.
They are publishing a bible for the last days, which will eventually lead to worshipping the anti-christ.

They have even published a Lesbian" edition, and that wasnt written by Almighty God, I can assure you

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Haven't seen the movie yet but wonder if there is a message in it that Jews, just like Jesus, were victims of the same vicious regime???

During the Roman occupation, 250,000 Jews were crucified by the Romans, only one rose from the dead.


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Yes but God didn't write the book, The book was written by men. When I last checked, none of the books of the Bible were authored by Jesus.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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True, He is grand, but when God writes a book which is His WORD, he doesnt make mistakes or need arrogant men to re-do His Divine work. Gosd managed to get it right the first time.

That is your belief... not everyone elses. I believe the bible was written as a "moral" code, as a basis for laws. I believe many of the stories within are there to convey a message, not state fact. With this, I do not believe what is contained in it is "fact". When people qote this book in debates, such as homosexuality, I don't belive it holds much merit.

Blog Clicky

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That is your belief... not everyone elses.

He has incontovertible proof. Of course that proof comes from the source that he is trying to prove is true, but that's besides the point.

Kind of like me saying....

I am God. The proof is that I am God and am therefore telling the truth. Why must you question everything? :P

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So the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic texts are irrelevant, right?

Gotta admit, the KJV sounds all righteous and mighty, what with all the "thee"s and "thou"s.

I prefer a more up-to-date translation, thanks.

Hey - the original texts are the true Open Source - don't like the software? Go compile your own...:D


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I twisted nothing. It is you who has taken to heart only the bits you wish to be defined.

Q:If you DO read the bible with an open mind, and come to the conclusion it is not true, did you read the bible with an open mind?

A:You must blindly accept the Bible by faith. Remember that an open mind is the devil's favorite toy. When you open your mind, Satan jumps right into your head and will show you countless contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities and downright silliness present throughout the Good Book.

It is important that we not exercise any rational thought when reading the Bible, for such tends to make God look bad and the whole book look like something even Mother Goose would reject. After all, it was God's first published work, and there were no publication houses with editorial departments when it was written. Even God recognizes how outrageous and misanthropic is His first best seller, especially Paul's outrageous writings that condemn so many. The Bible tells us that its every word was inspired by God, Himself (2 Timothy 32:16). God knew Paul's ridiculous rantings (which He inspired) would make no sense, so He actually went to great pains to warn us that those who try to understand Paul's logic do so "unto their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:16). God also knew that people would start to "interpret" the Bible into something that wasn't so hateful and violent if given the chance, so He had John write near the end that anyone who adds or withdraws a single statement from the Bible (or at least its last book) will be destroyed (Revelation 22:18-19). Needless to say, God shuns philosophers and free thinkers, describing them as essentially evil (Colossians 2:8-9).

The bottom line is that, in order to have any real shot at Heaven, we must believe every word of the Bible and all its incredible pronouncements. The only way a rational person can believe such jibberish is to accept it by faith, without question. We must turn off our brains. Fortunately for many of the participants here, they were born with very little brain power in the first instance, hence blind deference isn't difficult for them. Of course, this means that the majority of True Christians will continue to be those who hang their wet clothes on the line separating their double wides from their neighbor's stills.

Praying all will recognize that a closed mind is the key to fundamentalist thought (a/k/a, the GOP platform),

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Itv really amazes me that you dont even have enought guts to put your name on your profile. What are you ashamed of ????

You say that you must "turn off your brain"

What brain are you talking about

Your post hidden behind a Noname, is nothing but ridiculous ranting on a topic of which you know nothing.

Bill Cole

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Fortunately for many of the participants here, they were born with very little brain power in the first instance, hence blind deference isn't difficult for them. Of course, this means that the majority of True Christians will continue to be those who hang their wet clothes on the line separating their double wides from their neighbor's stills.

So now we're being called ignorant white trash by someone who doesn't put any of his/her identifying information on the board. That takes guts!:o


The bottom line is that, in order to have any real shot at Heaven, we must believe every word of the Bible and all its incredible pronouncements.

You don't have to do anything. God gave you that freedom. It's not hurting you for others to believe in God. Let it be.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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I'm ashamed of nothing. How does my desire to remain anonymous infer shame?

The only brain you have.

Would my "ranting" be less "ridiculous" if you possessed a cognome.

And finally you need to get your head out of your ass. No one can spend as much time as I have pouring over a book to pull the quotes that illustrate the boundless hypocrisies contained within, and NOT know or understand the topic.

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> there is only 1 Bible that can be called the definitive WORD of God <

according to you. I personally like to think that God is much grander than that.

dont worry she is...however much they wish confine God to the tiny minds of a bronze age, misogynistic culture...

looking for God? try looking in her creation, and not in the words man tells you are his, and asking for your money and blinding to that which God gives freely…...her word is everywhere in his creation. go out and enjoy it, with only the guilt you make for yourself.

always interesting to watch someone attack an author when they have no reply to their argument.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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In using "she and her" you are only showing your lack of knowledge about the topic.

There is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and none of them are female.

I realize you are trying to cater to the feminist
movement, but its a riduiculous foolish showing of lack of knowledge...nothing more

keep trying...you are getting no where fast.

Bill Cole

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In using "she and her" you are only showing your lack of knowledge about the topic.

There is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and none of them are female.

I realize you are trying to cater to the feminist
movement, but its a riduiculous foolish showing of lack of knowledge...nothing more

keep trying...you are getting no where fast.

oh i'm going many places and none of them have names you've ever heard...

actually i use those terms intentionally as it (annoys the shit out of you fundamentalists and far more importantly) highlights one of the fundamental misconceptions you christians have about God.

he isn’t male.
she doesn’t care what you call him.
she isn’t female either.
he isnt human and is so far beyond the conception of gender the words are meaningless
he is greater than your tiny mind can comprehend.
she is greater than my tiny mind will ever know.

you are not separated from him.
you never were.
he doesn’t stop speaking to anyone ever and doesn’t need any 'moral leadership' from you, your pastor or your church to reach humanity
she doesnt want your blood, your money or your prayers
he just wants you to live and love and become more than you have been
she will help, if you listen
if you commit your energy to it.

i'm not trying to cater to anyone.
i'm trying to help you open your eyes and throw off the narrow conception of divinity your dogma allows you to have...

Divinity is not limited by the dictates of the pathetic book you hold aloft and worship as if your ancestors didn’t scribble it themselves with their feces stained hands...because as much as you wish to pretend otherwise they did!

however that great achievement :S doesn’t change the nature of divinity or humanity's experience of it, it is simply one testament, and a reflection of the culture that created that it, and there is soooooooooo much more to God.

you wont hear, wont listen at all however.....you never learned to look for yourself without the crutch of another man's vision of god...

oh how very little you do realize... I don’t have to try..I can hear her voice on the evenings wind right now...i'm sorry if you cant, as there is sooooooo much music you will never know.....but clutch your security blanket tighter if it helps you sleep thru the night, just don’t pretend what you believe affects anyone or their relationship with God.

You can have your blood and your guilt, we'll be out dancing in her creation.
excuse the howls....:P
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Chuteless, I've read alot about your skydiving career and it has been awesome reading about your walk with God!

In a way being a Christian is like being a skydiver. People who don't share that with you will never understand it. Walking the earth with faith in God is a level of peace and joy non-Christians can't experience.

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In using "she and her" you are only showing your lack of knowledge about the topic.

There is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and none of them are female.

I realize you are trying to cater to the feminist
movement, but its a riduiculous foolish showing of lack of knowledge...nothing more

keep trying...you are getting no where fast.

oh i'm going many places and none of them have names you've ever heard...

actually i use those terms intentionally as it (annoys the shit out of you fundamentalists and far more importantly) highlights one of the fundamental misconceptions you christians have about God.

he isn’t male.
she doesn’t care what you call him.
she isn’t female either.
he isnt human and is so far beyond the conception of gender the words are meaningless
he is greater than your tiny mind can comprehend.
she is greater than my tiny mind will ever know.

you are not separated from him.
you never were.
he doesn’t stop speaking to anyone ever and doesn’t need any 'moral leadership' from you, your pastor or your church to reach humanity
she doesnt want your blood, your money or your prayers
he just wants you to live and love and become more than you have been
she will help, if you listen
if you commit your energy to it.

i'm not trying to cater to anyone.
i'm trying to help you open your eyes and throw off the narrow conception of divinity your dogma allows you to have...

Divinity is not limited by the dictates of the pathetic book you hold aloft and worship as if your ancestors didn’t scribble it themselves with their feces stained hands...because as much as you wish to pretend otherwise they did!

however that great achievement :S doesn’t change the nature of divinity or humanity's experience of it, it is simply one testament, and a reflection of the culture that created that it, and there is soooooooooo much more to God.

you wont hear, wont listen at all however.....you never learned to look for yourself without the crutch of another man's vision of god...

oh how very little you do realize... I don’t have to try..I can hear her voice on the evenings wind right now...i'm sorry if you cant, as there is sooooooo much music you will never know.....but clutch your security blanket tighter if it helps you sleep thru the night, just don’t pretend what you believe affects anyone or their relationship with God.

You can have your blood and your guilt, we'll be out dancing in her creation.
excuse the howls....:P

As I enjoy the principle of "The Great One Being" as a boundless, what do you base "your beliefs" on, from, or combination of...?
always interesting to watch someone attack an author when they have no reply to their argument.;)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I wouldn't expect an answer. It would require shaking the foundations of a fundamentalists belief and blind faith simply won't allow that.

Music for the masses.....

Not pornography, violent movies, Janet Jacksons boob, or pretty much anything else has spread so much hatred and violence in the world than intolerance. Unfortunately, intolerance is often at the very heart of "religous" matters.

Why it bothers so many people what others believe is beyond me, if some idiot isn't standing up there and telling me I'm going to be damned, I could care less what they believe. Funny how it's hard to get the same respect from them.

Blue skies
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There are none so blind as those who will not see...and in your case, I guess its just you dont have the smarts to see. However, that is the choice God has given you.

As for the blind leading the blind, you are good at that. See the following post to your.

Take care...thats the best you can hope for.

If you want an answer to an argument..then get an argument. Your rambling foolishness is not an argument at all, its just incoherent rambling nonsense.

Bill Cole

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As for the blind leading the blind, you are good at that. See the following post to your.

If you want an answer to an argument..then get an argument. Your rambling foolishness is not an argument at all, its just incoherent rambling nonsense.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME:o"Your rambling foolishness is not an argument at all, its just incoherent rambling nonsense." Quite an eloquent rebuttal. People in glass houses............

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