
How Much is Registration and Jump Tickets at the WFFC?

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If I remember correctly, standard plane jump tickets (otters, skyvans, casas, kingairs) were like $16 each.... speciallties were $29, $69, and $89 i think. They should be posting that stuff soon I hope. :)
I've been trying to figure out my summer boogie schedule all day..... so many events, so little time. :S:P

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I would guess that prices are still being discussed with the aircraft owners and Don. Figure out what you paid last time, and add a few dollars to the jump price ticket to be on the safe side. Then if you don't spend the money on jumps, you can buy me :D
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I'm sure they won't know how much jump tickets are going to be until closer to the convention 'cuz of the fluctuations in gas (and Jet A) prices.

Last year, they let you pre-buy tickets when you registered, with the idea that you could get them cheaper if ticket prices went up before the Convention started. It didn't last year, but I'd bet it'll happen this year. The "pre-buy" if it's offered again, might be a good bet.

Definitely not knocking the WFFC staff, I know they do everything they can for us. But, myself personally, I'm looking for jump tickets to be a bit-to-somewhat more than last year.

Elvisio "as long as the beer is still free" Rodriguez

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I called today for camper space, registration and jump tickets....

The prices arent set, so this is not official but....

Camper at the rv park, 295.00

Registration, 59.00

Jump tickets, anywhere from 17$ up, no quotes, since the price of JetA will dictate this somewhat, but ball park of last year with some adjustment for Fuel costs, etc.....

Holy Frickin Cow I'm SO Stoked I Can't Get Over IT!!!


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Funny...I was sending out all my emails today looking for this info.
2003 prices were:
19$ standard jump ticket
59$ registration

2004 registration should be 10$ more which goes to the Village of Rantoul to pay for the showers and such...
Final numbers are due to me by 4-1-04 so I can put the pre registration forms together and test. This is generally when I post the numbers on freefall.com as well.

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They offer jump tickets at the WFFC? This is good information! I know of many who probably wondered why there was so much air traffic...

Dammit Jalisco, I resemble that remark! And with my plans to shack up at the Fanmarker this year, it's looking like my days will be getting started even later than before. Well, maybe if I try hard I can make the sunset load each day...

Elvisio "hell, I can jump out of planes at HOME" Rodriguez

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