
Are skydivers more dog, or cat people?

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Sorry, but gourmet meats and milk are not high maintenance? I don't think so.

My dogs eat simple kibble-n-bit type food. I refuse to feed a pet better than I feed myself.

Cats aren't even pets. They don't greet you, play with you, or care if you're around. What good are they? (99% of the time, I realize on cat in a thousand is a good pet)
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I would hope that skydivers are mostly "dog" people.

Dogs rule, cats drool:)
Right on dog people:)

Yeah baby!!! You are so cool. Paige. I should have known that you were a dog person. :)
It's funny how "cat people" have to be catty and degrade dogs, in order to try to make cats look better. Personally, I never said anything negative about cats, except that I don't like them and that they have finicky attitudes. I will not say anything else negative. I don't have to put down the cat in order to make the dog look good. ;) B|

Edited: Btw, my dog smells REALLY nice and is gorgeous. This is her.

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I cannot respect and animal that is happy 24/7/365. Cats are so much more like humans)

I disagree. You can draw a parralel between cats and some humans just as you can between dogs and some humans.

I might be wrong in my observation, and some will be offended. THis is purely just my observation from personal experience.

Everyone that I have known that has owned a cat was bitchy. Mostly girls that liked drama and bitchyness. I see cats in the same way. >:(

On the other hand, everyone that I have known that owned dogs were the friendlyest people, mostly energetic. So are dogs, friendly and energetic. :D

If you cannot respect a dog because he is always happy, then you probably dont respect some humans. Why do you say this? Simply because there is no variation in the attitute, it make him dull or uninteresting? I dont see why.

Plus.... I am really PISSED off at cats now. My roomate has two, and she never cleans the box. I open the front door and it smells like SH&%. The couches now seem to have the odor in the fabric. The cats also use my room as a bathroom at every opportunity they can, forcing me to always keep the door closed. I stay in my room with the window open just to get rid of the smell. She never tells the cats to get off the counter or table to stop eating out of her plate, even when she is eating with other people. Maybe this is why i dont like cats....Thanx to my lousy friggin undisciplined roomate. :D


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Well, I'll knock cats any day of the week because I don't like them and they don't like me. I have only met two animals who didn't like me right off. Then there are cats. Never has one ever taken to me. And once an animal has hissed at or tried to scratch me, yeah I stop trying to be friends at that point.
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BTW... bvsdjumper, many others have probably noticed too, but that's a curious avatar you have there. Homer's mouth looks strangely familiar.

But your the First one to mention anything!!


Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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I agree that cats don't need to be put down. I know some pretty cool cats that my buddies have. I find they act more like dogs than cats though. Nothing againist cats, I'm just a dog person.

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Cats aren't even pets. They don't greet you, play with you, or care if you're around. What good are they?


I can come home to parents house 6 times in an hour and the dog will come to enthusiastically greet me. :)
I come home once in two days, and the cats are like...SHIT! Why the crap is he friggin coming home!?!?>:(

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I might be wrong in my observation, and some will be offended. THis is purely just my observation from personal experience.

Everyone that I have known that has owned a cat was bitchy. Mostly girls that liked drama and bitchyness. I see cats in the same way. >:(

OMG!!! Sorry cat folk, but that was EXACTLY what I was thinking. Please do not be offended as I am sure that there are exceptions, but cat people, esp. the women, are often catty, mean and self-centered. (Michele, Mailin, Skymama and Nightingale are the exceptions.) I hate to say it, but cat people are also often in pretty bad relationships...if they are in relationships at all. Sorry if I have pissed off anyone, but that is just my personal point of view. Still, I will not put down the cats...:$

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Cats aren't even pets. They don't greet you, play with you, or care if you're around. What good are they?

My cat did all of the above. She was all that a dog was, without:

-The Lenny from "Of Mice and Men" mentality, (i.e. "Duhhh...hey George!")

-The constant need for attention, (I don't need a quadriped to validate my existence on the planet)

The need to go for incessant walks with me, no matter how shitty the wx,

-The need to tear up the yard, etc,


-Lack of knowledge of how big they are (i.e. a St. Bernard that thinks it's a lapdog), and

-All of the other things that characterize most dogs as big dumb lummoxes.

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but cat people, esp. the women, are often catty, mean and self-centered. (Michele, Mailin and Nightingale are the exceptions.)

Wow...my cat and I will just go sulk in the corner now. B|
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Still, I will not put down the cats...

Quite the jump from cats to putting down the ppl that own them...:S

this thread has gotten just a bit out of control....

Not really. People have no excuse if they are mean and self-centered.

Like I said, Mailin, I apologize if I hurt your feelings in particular, but I did say that I found you, Michele and Nightingale to be the exceptions. You are all very sweet. I honestly feel that I have seen a parrallel between mean people and cat owners, though.

Edited: Skymama too? Damn...ok another exception. Hmmm...maybe I was hasty in my assessment? :S Ok, ok...I was wrong.

I still don't like cats, though...lol.

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I am definitely a CAT person. (Sorry, Rosa! :P) I don't hate dogs or anything, but I LOVE cats... especially MY cats. :)
My cats (Iggy & Moonshine) usually come to greet me when I get home... They follow me around the house all the time and cuddle with me when I'm sleeping. They both like to play a lot, and Iggy even likes to play fetch. Moonshine sits in my lap while I'm at my computer, and they both like to sleep on my desk or at my feet while I'm working.

Anyhow, I think most cats and dogs are pretty cool when they have good owners. The only difference is that a dog without enough attention and discipline is usually quite annoying, but a cat without enough attention and discipline... well, you won't usually see much of them anyway (unless they're outdoor cats that piss in your car or something - that's bad ;)).

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Edited: Skymama too? Damn...ok another exception. Hmmm...maybe I was hasty in my assessment? Ok, ok...I was wrong.

Thanks, Rosa, I love you too in spite of you being a dog person. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Edited: Skymama too? Damn...ok another exception. Hmmm...maybe I was hasty in my assessment? Ok, ok...I was wrong.

Thanks, Rosa, I love you too in spite of you being a dog person. ;)

Oh, thank you, sweetie for overlooking my obvious flaws. Now THAT is unconditional love! I love you, too, Skymama. :)

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Chuck had a dog (Billy Bob) when we met and we each had our own cats (but we suffered a few "cat"astrophes and lost them both). Now that we live together we still have Billy Bob and have added Ellie Mae to the mix. She's about 8 months old and the two of them get along great!B|

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I am soooooooo not talking to Rosa....

Um, Kennedy?


Sorry, but gourmet meats and milk are not high maintenance? I don't think so.
My dogs eat simple kibble-n-bit type food. I refuse to feed a pet better than I feed myself.

My cats eat kibble n bits dry food, too. A can of wet food shared between them. A bowl of water - it's my milk, thank you very much....


Cats aren't even pets. They don't greet you, play with you, or care if you're around.

Mine do. Esse and Charlotte inevitably meet me at the door, with Pie right behind. They come over, they play tag, they wrestle, they cuddle, they talk, they play tug o' war....and you should see them on cat nip. Man, that's entertaining.


(99% of the time, I realize on cat in a thousand is a good pet)

I've got three....and am working on taming a 4th. I suppose there are 3,996 cats out there to compensate for my 4, but somehow, I doubt I'm lucky enough to have all 4. If so, I suppose I need to buy a Lotto ticket...

Look, it's fine to like one over the other. No issue. I would love a dog, but I don't have the room (no real enclosed yard, and keeping them inside all day long is just not right).


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